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The DS413j NAS from Synology is mostly aimed for homes and small offices in need of high storage space, without the need of breaking the bank to get it. The product comes with an older chassis version and runs the latest version of the highly praised DSM, which means that it comes with a lot of features and its interface is really intuitive, easy to use.
For many people, replacing a hard drive in a notebook requires them to take it to an expert so the data can be migrated to the new drive. Therefore, speeding up a hard drive to an SSD, can be a rather cumbersome and daunting process. The Mushkin Atlas 30GB mSATA solid state drive is one option that doesn't require a whole drive replacement.
While SSDs are by now the unquestioned performance kings when it comes to storage, their capacities are still too low and cost-per-gigabyte still too high for them to displace hard drives completely. While SSDs continue to improve at a meteoric rate, hard drive manufacturers aren't sitting still. Today, we'll be taking a look at Western Digital's latest attempt at pushing back the superparamagnetic limit, the WD RE SATA 4TB drive. Whether it's meant for large-capacity storage on a workstation, or as a way to expand the capacity of a high-load NAS device, this drive is WD's current cream of the crop for SATA drives. Let's take a look and see how it measures up.
Vector is OCZ’s first SSD release since the ushering in of a new CEO and fresh perspective on its direction. It’s also the first SSD to come equipped with both in-house firmware and controller. In effect, OCZ has built its Vector SSD from the ground up with its rich internal resources – has it paid off?
OCZ unterzieht das eigene SSD-Lineup einem weiteren Update und setzt dabei verstärkt auf Technik aus eigenem Hause. Hierbei rückt die Übernahme und erfolgreiche Eingliederung von Controller-Spezialist Indilinx immer mehr in den Fokus und trägt weitere Früchte. Während man bei der jeweils vierten Generation von Vertex (Test) und Agility noch auf eine Kombination aus fremder Hardware und eigener Firmware setzte (Indilinx Everest 2), geht man bei der neuen Vector-Familie konsequent den nächsten Schritt: Der zum Einsatz kommende Barefoot 3 Controller von Indilinx stammt vollständig aus eigener Entwicklung. Damit erlangt man volle Kontrolle über den kompletten Entwicklungsprozess und muss lediglich noch DRAM-Cache und NAND-Flash extern einkaufen. Wie gut dieser Ansatz harmoniert und sich das neue High-End-Modell von OCZ im Vergleich mit der Konkurrenz schlägt, lesen Sie in unserem Praxistest der OCZ Vector mit 256 GB. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen des Artikels!
Our evaluation of the SanDisk Ultra Plus SSD surpasses that of a typical analysis, in that, it provides the reader with the ability to understand what is possible if you are the ‘Owner of The Fab’. In this SSD build, SanDisk has not only moved to the new Marvell 9175 controller but also, they introduce nCache, a totally new performance and endurance enhancement that is possible only with the control of flash memory that a manufacturer of that memory would have. Our SSD analysis today will provide you with, not only the information you need to decide if the SanDisk Ultra Plus is the SSD for you but also, a very easy understanding of nCache through the straightforward explanation of the most basic SSD principles, many of which most still don’t understand. GraB a coffee because class is in session!
Data Rot! Every time a compact disk gives up the ghost and you some files, you've experienced it. All digital storage technologies are susceptible to data rot, AKA bit rot. Benchmark Reviews recently highlighted reliability issues that SSD users are experiencing; their flash memory failures have been an eye-opening experience for consumers. We all know how a hard drive "crashes", but we're not so clear on how electrons disappear. Large data centers have been acutely aware of this problem, and the industry devised ways of eliminating it. Now, Infortrend is making that technology available to consumers, with their new EonNAS series. The key to data integrity is in the ZFS file system, that's part of the Sun-based OS installed in the EonNAS 1100. Plus, it performs data deduplication on the fly! Read on to find out more...
During this year's CES several manufacturers found the opportunity not only to promote already existing SSD models but also to introduce brand new ones most of which followed the standard SATA III connection while surprisingly only a few were PCIex based. The only reason i say that this surprised me is because personally i feel that the only serious performance jump I’ve seen between SSD models ever since the 2nd generation of controllers made its appearance roughly 2 years ago was when i started using PCIex based SSDs (just check the RevoDrive3 in our charts and keep in mind that this is an entry level PCIex based SSD). PCIex based SSDs however are still quite expensive and so in a way i can understand that manufacturers want to target the masses and not just enthusiasts and professionals. So with this in mind we decided to continue our SSD review spree by taking a thorough look on the latest mainstream (budget as some call it) SSD model introduced by Kingston a few weeks back, the SSDNow V300.
ADATA’s SX900 series is touted by ADATA as “The Most Powerful SSD on Earth”. To be fair this drive was introduced a while back so this claim may not hold all its water today. ADATA is the first SSD manufacturer to offer LSI SandForce based drives with RAISE free programming. RAISE Free programming allows for more capacity of the drive to be utilized at the expense of some data redundancy. RAISE was designed to allow lesser quality NAND to be utilized without compromising data integrity.
In the continuous activity test we see the strong side of the Toshiba SSD. When the SSD is in constant use for a longer period of time, the performance barely dips like it does for most other SSDs. This is of less importance for consumers, but for servers this is an advantage.
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