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Today we are looking at the MemoRight MS-701 240GB Solid State Drive – built around the mSATA form factor. Is it particularly interesting because this is one of the few 240GB capacity SATA 3 SandForce powered mSATA drives available on the market today.
The market in 2011 is literally flooded with Solid State Drives, and today we are looking at a new product from MemoRight – The FTM.25 115GB. While many people have probably never heard of ‘MemoRight’, the company have many links to the military and enterprise sectors.
With SandForce on the verge of releasing the new SF-2000 Series controller, some may wonder why we are bothering with 2010 technology. The truth is that the darling 2010 controller will end up being a low cost, high speed controller for the first part of 2011. SandForce partners will be very aggressive with pricing on both old and new technology in 2011 to push market adaption, but it's safe to say that existing products will cost less than those fresh from the oven.
It's like the full size model, only thinner and a little faster. Ultrabook buyers, pay close attention to this SSD.
A few weeks ago we were sent a SATA II MemoRight 115GB SSD for review and as we expected it got nailed in the performance tests when compared against the latest SATA III SandForce SF-2281 powered drives. MemoRight intervened and asked us to review their latest performance oriented SATA III 240GB solid state drive.
Fast-forward to 2011 and the SSD market has exploded with new and old companies fighting for supremacy. Solid state drives are now sold on retail shelves and at price points that are pushing them into commodity status. At this time many enthusiast computer people have already owned at least two solid state drives and feel that the technology is the only way to boot their PC. It's true there have been hurdles, a few eggs tossed on faces and more than a handful of ticked off people, but hearing about such issues is becoming less common.
SandForce is back in town and it's here to stay. Intel's 520 Series is a full replacement for the 510 Series, but utilize the SF-2281 controller and custom Intel firmware to deliver one of the best SSDs we seen to date. If you already want an Intel SSD but don’t know which to get, we can answer that. Oh, and did we mention the 5 year warranty?
If you could build an SSD, what would you make? In this rare opportunity, Chris took on the role of product manager and built what he considers the best SSD on the market today.
Notebook schneller machen leicht gemacht. Wer ein Notebook oder Netbook besitzt und mit der Geschwindigkeit unzufrieden ist, kann die Notebook Performance schnell und relativ preiswert signifikant steigern. Viele denken beim Notebook Upgrade sofort an eine Speicheraufrüstung, an eine neue CPU oder an eine Übertaktung der CPU. Einen enormen Performancezuwachs bringt aber auch die Installation einer schnellen SSD anstatt der HDD. In diesem Testbericht zeigen wir auf www.ocinside.de, daß man selbst Notebooks mit einer IDE bzw. PATA Festplatte durch eine schnelle SSD aufrüsten kann, um so die Performance enorm zu verbessern. Getestet wurde dafür die Mach Xtreme Technology 60GB PATA 50-Pin SSD im 1,8-Zoll Format, die gerade mal 5mm dünn ist und anstatt einer Toshiba MK8007GAH 1,8-Zoll PATA Festplatte in ein Toshiba Portege R400 Notebook eingebaut wurde. Desweiteren wurde die 60GB MX-NANO 50 PATA SSD mit einem Adapter an einer aktuellen SATA 3 Schnittstelle getestet, um sie mit den zuvor getesteten Solid State Drives und Festplatten zu vergleichen. Wer den nächsten Urlaub für die Anschaffung eines neuen Notebooks bereits abgeschrieben hat, sollte sich den Test nicht entgehen lassen.
The Mach Xtreme MX-GX USB 3.0 Flash Drives offer incredible read speeds and come in 4 different flavours: 8GB, 16GB, 32GB or 64GB; they are also priced competitively, the 16GB model being found at CaseKing.de for about 29.90 Euros.
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