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Designed with enthusiast notebook computers in mind, the WD5000BEKT Scorpio Black high performance hard drive delivers the capacity and speed needed to supercharge a notebook PC without compromising battery life or quiet acoustics. We put it to the test and compare it to the Seagate Momentus 7200.4 and XT 500GB notebook hard drives in a number of benchmarks to see how they perform!
Mit dem Noir S stellten wir vor kurzem ein externes Gehäuse für 2,5-Zoll-Festplatten von Akasa vor. Ein weiteres Gehäuse, welches ebenfalls von Akasa stammt und eine USB3.0-Schnittstelle besitzt, hört auf den Namen Elite S. Optisch unterscheiden sich beide Gehäuse recht deutlich, technisch ist die Verwandschaft aber zu erkennen. Wie sich das Aluminium-Gehäuse mit seinem Überzug aus Kunstleder schlägt, erfahrt ihr auf den folgenden Seiten.
Throughout this review, the OCZ Agility 4 has gone head to head with the best and fastest SATA SSDs currently available. The Agility 4 isn’t quite the fastest SSD in this article, however, it is most certainly a fast SSD, and with very aggressive pricing, it is most certainly one of the cheapest SSDs I have tested.
The SandForce SF1500 SSD processor is an Enterprise-class Solid State Drive technology that powers products such as the OCZ Vertex-2 Pro. With a potential top-speed of 260 MBps read and write bandwidth, the SandForce SF1500-based SSD series will push SATA-II to the limit. In this article Benchmark Reviews investigates the technology behind the SandForce SF1500 SSD processor, and tests bandwidth speed and IOPS performance.
Only 25 or so days before we go dark for our much anticipated Christmas vacations (which shouldn't last more than 10 days in total) and so we decided to mainly focus on reviews requested by some of you during the last 2 months. Needless to say we are already testing quite a few gaming peripherals for the past 2 weeks so there isn't really much time for anything else that requires time and effort to test, however since the primary concern of most of you have been 2.5" portable hard disk drives (much easier/faster to test) we gathered quite a few of the latest USB 3.0 models here to see which delivers the most bang for your buck. The first of those portable USB 3.0 HDDs is no other than the latest Touro Mobile Pro 500GB by HGST.
Wir haben uns schon mehrfach mit dem Thema Thunderbolt auseinandergesetzt. Bislang aber immer nur auf Seiten der kompatiblen Mac-Rechner in Form des MacBook Pro , iMac, MacBook Air sowie Mac mini. Wer sich etwas genauer mit der Technik hinter Thunderbolt beschäftigen möchte, dem empfehlen wir einen Blick in diesen Artikel. Nun haben wir die Möglichkeit uns eines der ersten "Endgeräte" für Thunderbolt anzuschauen, das Promise Pegasus RAID-System mit Thunderbolt. Was das Promise RAID-System im Zusammenspiel mit Thunderbolt zu leisten im Stande ist und wer ein solches System überhaupt benötigt - diese Fragen wollen wir auf den kommenden Seiten klären.
The Teratrend TS431U External HDD Enclosure is another excellent storage solution by SilverStone. This enclosure fits up to four 4TB 3.5" drives, has a tooless drive installation & removal, comes with an aluminum door, includes eSATA & USB3 connections & two 60mm fans. This is a fantastic external enclosure.
In this article, Benchmark Reviews tests the Crucial m4 solid state drive against several of the fastest consumer storage devices available. Based on the Marvell 88SS9174-BLD2 SSD processor, this SATA 6 Gb/s drive is claimed to provide 415 MB/s reads and 260 MB/s writes with up to 90,000 IOPS. We've tested the Crucial m4 SSD against its older sibling, the Crucial RealSSD C300, to measure comparative performance differences. The 256GB model CT256M4SSD2 Crucial m4 also competes with the latest SandForce and Indilinx-based solid state drives, and our SSD test results show which product leads the consumer storage market.
The Neutron GTX is set to top the Neutron series of drives, so can the LAMD controller really take things to the next level?
We may still be far away from a time when solid state drives regardless of type (PCIe/M.2/SATA) will replace mechanical disk drives altogether (largely due to capacity limitations) but as things stand today they have managed to replace them at least partially as the "weapon" of choice for use as a primary OS drive. Because of that most SSD manufacturers have shifted much of their focus from the production of high-performance models aimed towards enthusiasts, gamers and professionals to the production of entry-level "budget" models aimed towards casual users and gamers who are just now taking their first steps with this technology. OCZ made a great comeback after being acquired by Toshiba and after releasing two great SSD models (ARC 100 and Vector 180) it was just a matter of time before they too released a more "entry" level one and its name is the Trion 100.
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