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Wer mit vielen Datenträgern arbeitet, will nicht unbedingt für jede Festplatte und jedes Solid-State-Drive ein externes Gehäuse kaufen. Als praktische Alternative bietet sich eine Dockingstation an, welche SATA-Geräte der Formate 3,5 und 2,5 Zoll aufnehmen kann. Beispielsweise das Modell Icy Box IB-110StU3-B.
Upgrading a computer with a solid state drive (SSD) is one of the best ways of boosting its real world performance across the board. Today we are going to review and compare two of the latest 256 GB SSDs on the market from Samsung and Kingston. Both drives on test are within the USD 450 to 550 price range.
Con l'avanzamento della tecnologia anche le pen drive si sono evolute e complice la riduzione di prezzo per GB ormai si trovano in commercio flash drive con grandi capacità a prezzi davvero ridicoli. Ciò non può che far felice coloro che hanno bisogno di portare con se sempre più dati senza però ricorrere a soluzioni ingombranti come spesso possono essere gli hard disk esterni. Ovviamente l'uso massivo e il trasporto delle pen drive spesso porta al loro deterioramento ed alcune perdono il loro design iniziale; ciò non accade con la Patriot Supersonic Boost XT da 32GB realizzata in uno chassis solido e robusto in colorazione nera che coniuga le prestazioni dell'interfaccia USB 3.0 alla totale protezione della stessa. Lo staff di Xtremehardware andrà ad analizzarla per voi e non vi resta che continuare a leggere nelle prossime pagine suddetta recensione.
HDD, SSD oder SSHD ?
Wir haben bereits einige SSD und HDD Reviews auf OCinside.de vorgestellt und testen seit geraumer Zeit die Kombination aus Solid State Drive und Hard Disk Drive in einem Laufwerk - die sogenannte SSHD.
Die Vorteile der SSHD liegen klar auf der Hand: Der Preis liegt um ein Vielfaches unter einer SSD mit identischer Kapazität.
Nun stellt sich die Frage, ob die SSHD zumindest partiell mit einer SSD mithalten kann oder ob sie eher auf dem Niveau einer herkömmlichen Festplatte liegt.
Seagate hat uns die aktuellste Seagate ST2000DX001 SATA3 Desktop SSHD bestehend aus einer 2 TB Festplatte mit 8 GB MLC Speicher zur Verfügung gestellt, die wir uns im heutigen Testbericht genauer ansehen werden.
Seagate 2TB ST2000DX001 SATA3 SSHD Testbericht
Today we have two of the new Vertex 4 drives on our test bench and will be comparing it in real world and synthetic test against drives based on the latest Sandforce, Marvell and Samsung controllers.
Well lucky for all consumers it seems that the prices of both internal and external storage media (HDDs and SSDs) are still taking a plunge something which i guess explains the sudden spike in sales surrounding such products around the globe. Personally i think that's a good move from all the manufacturers out there not only because it means we will get to see 5TB drives sooner rather than later but also because there's no real excuse for anyone to not purchase extra storage now with such low prices (at least the ones that really need the extra space). Still we also have to do our part and so as promised we are focusing on storage media related reviews lately in an effort to showcase/test most of the currently available solutions in the market and to that end today we are taking a look at the G-Drive Mobile USB 1TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive by G-Technology.
Today we will be taking a look at the single bay DS112j, which is the latest model in Synology's NAS range for home use, offering file storage, sharing and data protection. We will also take a look at Synology's latest operating system, the very recently released DiskStation Manager 4.0.
VDSL (Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line) finally landed where i live and although it will take quite some time before we can all enjoy the amazing speeds it offers (although we still don't know what the end result will be) such speeds are bound to change things especially in everything related to storage media. We are well aware that VDSL is nothing new in several parts of the world but the majority of people hardly have DSL lines currently so you can imagine how rapidly things will change when everyone on the face of the planet jumps from regular DSL 24Mbit/s speeds to the 50-100Mbit/s offered by VDSL and VDSL2. This is also one of the reasons as to why we've focused in testing portable hard disk drives lately (we need to be ready for the change) and today we have yet another one, the Armor A80 1TB 2.5" USB 3.0 PHD from Silicon Power.
Après un test des SSD Plextor M5 Pro Xtreme en RAID 0, nous vous proposons ce jour un tour d'horizon des performances d'une grappe plus accessible qui est composé de deux 330 Series Intel en 120 Go. A découvrir sans plus attendre.
The last time we tested the OCZ Vertex 4, it was powered by a dual-core Marvell controller that combined technology from separate sources. This time, the OCZ Vertex 450 solid state drive is made of in-house components. Featuring an Indilinx BF3-M10 Barefoot 3 controller that supports 20nm Synchronous Multi-Level Cell (MLC) NAND flash components with AES-256 encryption and Trim support, Vertex 450 is good for 540 MB/s read speeds over a SATA 6-Gb/s connection. In this article Benchmark Reviews tests the 240GB OCZ Vertex 450 SSD, model VTX450-25SAT3-256G, against the leading competition.
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