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Graphic cards
Noch vor Weihnachten letzten Jahres präsentierte Zotac die GeForce GTX 580 AMP! Edition. Viele erwarteten eine ähnliche gute Karte wie dies der Vorgänger auf Basis der GeForce GTX 480 war. Doch Zotac veröffentlichte die GeForce GTX 580 AMP! Edition mit der Referenzkühlung und nur mäßiger Übertaktung. Gerade die fehlende alternative Kühlung sorgte für einen fehlenden Anreiz sich die Karte kaufen zu wollen. Gerne hätte man zum damaligen Zeitpunkt bereits die vom Vorgänger bekannte Zalman-Kühlung eingesetzt - nun ist es soweit. Die optimierte Zotac GeForce GTX AMP²! Edition muss zeigen, was in ihr steckt.
Graphic cards
After reviewing a few different GTX550 Ti graphic cards it does start to lose its flavor, especially when the results can be so similar. So it is a major relief to get a refreshing view of a reference card from MSI.
Graphic cards
If you, like us were impressed with what the MSI HD 6970 Lightning offered which we looked at just the other day here, yet you're happy to spend some more to jump on the fastest single GPU card on the market, then we might just have the card for you.
Graphic cards
If you, like us were impressed with what the MSI HD 6970 Lightning offered which we looked at just the other day here, yet you're happy to spend some more to jump on the fastest single GPU card on the market, then we might just have the card for you.
Graphic cards
This time we got two GeForce GTX 560 Ti products for review. One is made by KFA2, the other, by Gigabyte. Both solutions are custom-made, and the Gigabyte's card is also extremely factory-overclocked, so it should be very fast.
Graphic cards
Who would've thought we'd ever be looking at XFX cards based on an AMD GPU? It's been a long time since we've looked at something from XFX. Going through our content archive, it was August of 2007 and the victim was the 9800 GTX+.
Graphic cards
Despite the reference designs impressive cooling solution there were consumers who demanded enhanced versions of the GTX 580 with enhanced cooler. One of the latest to deliver this is Inno3D with their custom GTX 580 HAWK Edition. As well as featuring an enhanced cooler and some tweaks on the style of the card it also has 3GB of memory rather than the standard 1.5GB. Lets see how it performs in a selection of real world tests.
Graphic cards
It is a fact that most of us PC hardware enthusiasts are so concerned with what is happening at the high end of the graphics card market, that lower end cards like the GTX550 get forgotten among the more outrageously powerful, and sometimes outrageously expensive, cards out there. However, the lower end cards are what sell the best to the mainstream users who want to game without spending £200 on a top end card, but are clever enough not to opt for a console! More importantly though, the lower power found in these cards give manufacturers such as GIGABYTE the ability to do some amazing things with them, such as silent cooling and high overclocks. This is exactly what a buyer is looking for and appears to be exactly what GIGABYTE is offering- we will see how it does this later on.
Graphic cards
Many graphics cards are rebranded reference designs. Sapphire doesn't play that game, and releases their HD 6950 Flex 2GB to prove it. This card has a trick, the ability to run 3 monitors right out of the box. Tricks are great, but does the card have the muscle to satisfy gaming enthusiasts? Read on to find out.
Graphic cards
Many consumers still don't have the financial freedom to lay out $300+ of their hard earned cash on a high end video card, nor do they really need the power that a 69xx series card brings to the table. Some consumers simply don't have the need for high end 3D and are content with video playback and minor 3D capabilities. In either case this is still a 58XX series card with some excellent features, a high end brand name, and a low price. Sounds like a good combination, so will it handle your needs? Lets find out.
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