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Graphic cards
The MSI N550GTX-Ti Cyclone II OC 1GB graphics cards is based on the NVIDIA Geforce GTX 550 Ti GPU, but is kept nice and cool with the MSI Cyclone II cooling solution. The N550GTX-Ti Cyclone II OC is factory overclocked with the core clock set to 950MHz and the memory at 1075MHz. We put this overclocked GF116 card to the test to see how it performs, keeps cool and overclocks!
Graphic cards
Es hat nicht lange gedauert: Nvidia reagiert auf die Radeon HD 6990 und bringt die GeForce GTX 590 auf den Markt. Wer gewinnt den Dual-GPU-Schlagabtausch? Wer die bessere Geschwindigkeit liefert, ist dabei nur eine Sache. Genauso wichtig sind die Fragen nach der Lautstärke, der Leistungsaufnahme und noch vielem mehr.
Graphic cards
AMD launched the 6800 series of graphics cards to fill the budget gaming card market and has had success. HIS has added its impressive IceQ X cooler and thrown a factory overclock to make it an even better performance value with the 6850 IceQ X Turbo 1GB card.
Graphic cards
Today we shall review a mid-end GeForce GTX 560 Ti graphics card from Gainward that differs from the rest by much higher default clock rates and more compact size.
Graphic cards
Nach oben hin hat AMD seine Produktpalette mit der Radeon HD 6990 abgeschlossen - zumindest bis der nächste Shrink gegen Ende des Jahres erwartet wird. Auch wenn die Radeon-HD-6800-Serie missverständlich präsentiert und positioniert wurde, so stellt sie doch eine sehr effiziente Abrundung der aktuellen Produktpalette dar. Um auch den günstigen OEM-Markt bedienen zu können, entschied man sich für eine Umbenennung der Radeon HD 5770 und 5750. Doch der informierte Käufer lässt sich nicht in jedem Fall so leicht blenden und auch um einen Gegenspieler für die NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti zu haben, musste ein weiteres Produkt her. Die Radeon HD 6790 wird schon namentlich unterhalb der Radeon-HD-6800-Serie angesiedelt, in den Benchmarks werden wir sehen, wo sie sich tatsächlich einordnet.
Graphic cards
Mit der Radeon HD 6670 stellt AMD eine neue Grafikkarte für weniger als 100 Euro vor, die ein flüssiges Spielen ermöglichen soll und zugleich konkurrenzlos dasteht. Doch stellt sich nicht nur die Frage, inwieweit die Frameraten nach oben gelangen, sondern genauso, in welcher Form man sich von der Radeon HD 5670 absetzen kann.
Graphic cards
Don't tell me none of you have never experienced a dead, artifacting card? I know I have, and have been stuck without a solution with a £300 paper weight.
Graphic cards
When Stephen Harper won the 41st Canadian general election and became the Prime Minister for the third time in five years, political commentators on TV praised him for his very well presented victory speech. But why are we praising someone who didn't even write the speech in the first place? The answer to this question is actually quite simple, but requires some food for thought. So let's put it this way: Give the same speech to people like you or me. Unless your name happens to be Stephen J. Harper, just because we have the same draft on hand, does not mean we can present it as well as the next. In the same way, we all know there are a billion versions of the same video card in the market today. Whether it is ASUS or MSI or HIS or PowerColor or Gigabyte, they all have all have some kind of AMD or NVIDIA GPU in the middle, and none of the board manufacturers had any hand in the design of the GPU. So what makes you want to buy a Gigabyte video card over, say, an ASUS variant, even though they are both Radeon 6870s? Other than the usual price and warranty factors, stuff like the included cooler plays a role, too. The Gigabyte Radeon HD 6870 1GB SOC we are reviewing today is a great example of what makes a run-of-the-mill graphics card unique among the competition. Combined with high quality electronic components and a hardcore looking WindForce 3X triple fan heatsink, how well does this "super" overclock version of AMD's excellent Radeon 6870 GPU step up against its competitors? We took one in and fired up our test platform for some benchmarking fun. Read on to see why we like this card so much!
Graphic cards
There are no shortage of video cards on the market today, with all sectors perfectly covered with solutions from both AMD and Nvidia. Today we are looking at the new card from VTX3D – a custom cooled Radeon HD6670.
Graphic cards
We've looked at the HIS HD 6970 Turbo, we've also looked at some IceQ variants of the HD 6800 series; but today the power of the IceQ and Turbo series combine to create the HIS HD 6970 IceQ Turbo. The IceQ series is a popular one for HIS and has always represented their best cooler in the HIS line-up. Combined with the Turbo label, the card carries with it also a nice out of the box overclock
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