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Graphic cards
Selecting a graphics processing unit (GPU) that has exactly the right feature set for your home theater PC (HTPC) can be a time consuming task if you're starting your search from scratch. In the ever-changing landscape of home theater and HTPC, GPUs respond by implementing features to keep up with the latest and greatest audio and video innovations. That is why we've got you covered here at MissingRemote with our brand new GPU comparison guide.
Graphic cards
S'il est une carte qui est bien sortie du lot parmi tous les modèles DX11 de première génération du caméléon, c'est bien la GTX 460. En effet, là où ses grandes soeurs pêchaient par excès de tarification, consommation, températures et nuisances sonores face à la concurrence, cette dernière s'avérait au contraire parfaitement calibrée dans ces domaines tout en devançant nettement sa rivale directe ! Il a fallu attendre l'avènement de la seconde génération DX11 d'AMD via Barts pour lui trouver une rivale digne de ce nom (HD 6850). Le caméléon a depuis répliqué en débridant totalement sa puce miracle moyen de gamme (GF104) via une nouvell e révision (GF114), étrennée par la GTX 560 Ti dont le suffixe laissait supposer un modèle moins performant à venir. C'est le cas avec la GTX 560 qui reprend la dernière révision du GPU avec une amputation similaire à la GTX 460, mais des fréquences en nette hausse, verdict ?
Graphic cards
To run today's PC games at high resolutions with all the settings maxed out you need a high end video Card, or two mid/high end video cards in CrossFire/SLI. The best thing about CrossFire/SLI is that you don't need to buy both cards at once, meaning you can spread out the cost of a system build, or simply wait until prices drop before you make your second purchase. Dual video card scaling has come a long way since its conception, in the early days Crossfire performance wasn't always what it was made out to be. However, our setups show near 90% scaling in most of our tests, this is great news for us budget enthusiasts out there as not all of us can afford to fork out $600 up front for the latest highest end equipment. In this article Benchmark Reviews will provide you with our performance and cost analysis of a HD6850 CrossFire setup and a HD6950 CrossFire setup.
Graphic cards
HIS are bucking the trend for custom 6950s today with a new version of the 6970, the IceQ Mix. While it has a name which could make people think of a cold drink it is actually a rather interesting take on the 6970 featuring a large, low noise custom cooler and the first real attempt we have seen at implementing Lucids HydraLogix 200 controller on a graphics card.
Graphic cards
Nach dem Dual-GPU-Wettkampf in diesem Jahr wollen wir uns wieder auf Grafikkarten in unserer Preisklasse konzentrieren. Diese befinden sich in der Regel bei knapp 200-300 Euro. Darüber wird es schon schmerzhaft für die Kunden. Das haben auch die Hersteller erkannt und bieten gerade in der 200,- Euro Klasse eine regelrechte Flotte in 20,- Euro Abständen an. Nach der GTX 570, die ebenfalls in der 300,- Euro Klasse spielt hat nVidia eine interessante kleine Variante vorgestellt, die GTX 560 Ti. Wir zeigen euch daraus die Gigabyte GTX 560 Ti OC.
Graphic cards
Die bekannte Premium-Marke Gainward, die ein Bestandteil von Nvidias exklusivem Board-Partner Palit ist, setzt sich durch die innovative Phantom-Baureihe von dem üblichen Einheitsbrei anderer Hersteller ab. Insgesamt beinhaltet diese edel anmutende Serie vier Geforce-Modelle mit dem recht außergewöhnlichen Kühlkonstrukt. Wir haben uns für diesen Artikel die GTX-580-Variante mit 1.536 Megabyte Video-Speicher herausgepickt und testen, wie gut sich der Pixelbeschleuniger mit seinem Phantom-Kühler samt angepasster Platine und erhöhten Taktraten gegen die Konkurrenz schlägt. Wird das Fazit wenig überraschend positiv ausfallen oder gibt es auch im metaphorischen Sinne Ecken und Kanten an Gainwards Single-GPU-Flaggschiff?
Graphic cards
Sapphire really need no introduction, as AMD’s largest graphics partner they have been responsible for releasing some of the finest discrete solutions in all sectors.
Graphic cards
AMD’s HD6870 has risen in popularity in recent months, as prices have continued to drop. Today in the UK you can pick up a Sapphire 1GB HD6870 for £135 inc vat, making an ideal, low cost purchase for gaming at 1080p. Today we are looking at a heavily modified card from Sapphire which is supplied with a proprietary two fan cooling system and custom PCB design.
Graphic cards
Featuring a brand new custom ‘black impeller’ IceQ cooler and the innovative Lucid Hydra chip the latest Radeon HD 6970 IceQ MIX 2GB by HIS is not only fast, cool and quiet but it can also be paired with an NVIDIA GeForce card to enjoy the benefits of having both PhysX and CUDA support in your system.
Graphic cards
Some people may not be aware of this, but Battlefields roots began well before the 1942 iteration of the series hit the PC platform with such an impact in 2002. DICE, the developer behind the series, had already played around with large maps and vehicular warfare with their often forgotten Codename Eagle. Codename Eagle shares many traits with Battlefield - a huge multiplayer map with many players able to take on each either via land or air vehicles, or on foot.
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