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Graphic cards
Today we look at one of the most exciting graphics cards to hit our labs this year – the new Asus STRIX Gaming GTX 980 Ti featuring the latest Direct CU 3 cooling system. This 3 fan cooling system uses a new patented wing blade fan to provide greater air pressure, and cooling capabilities. The DCIII cooler is equipped with two beefy 10mm direct touch copper heatpipes. Interestingly, the Asus GTX980 Ti Strix solution is built with a total automated production process and incorporates a 14 phase (12+2) Super Alloy Power II power system for maximum reliability. With the highest ‘out of the box’ overclock speeds to grace our labs yet, is this the high end GPU you should be shortlisting for a new system build this summer?
Graphic cards
Salve a tutti i lettori di XtremeHardware.com, quest’oggi vi proponiamo una recensione davvero interessante, in quanto riguarda una scheda grafica dedicata ai più smanettoni e agli overclockers. Stiamo parlando della ROG 280X Matrix Platinum di ASUS, caratterizzata da un dissipatore da tre slot e da un comparto di alimentazione da primato. Andiamo a vedere nel dettaglio come è fatta e come si comporta questa scheda nei vari bench, giochi e infine in overclock.
Graphic cards
With Christmas just around the corner, what better time to treat yourself to a new graphics card? Time to put that old card to pasture and invest in a new GTX980 ti. If you fancy something really fast and expensive then the mouth watering Asus Republic Of Gamers GTX980 Ti Platinum Edition might sate your appetite. As we would expect from an Asus flagship solution, the Matrix Platinum is a complete ‘no-compromise’ design.
Graphic cards
Da die neuen 28-Nanometer-GPUs von Nvidia und AMD noch auf sich warten lassen, versuchen die Grafikkartenhersteller die potenzielle Käuferschaft mit ideenreichen Eigenkreationen zu begeistern. Gerade Pixelbeschleuniger mit hochwertigen Platinen und funktionellen Overclocking-Features sind derzeit stark gefragt. Zu diesem Zweck hat Asus die "Republic of Gamers"-Serie mit der mächtigen Matrix GTX 580 Platinum erweitert. Wir schauen uns das hauseigene Single-GPU-Flaggschiff in diesem Test genauer an und wollen herausfinden, ob die Karte mehr als nur ein reines Mittel zur Rekordjagd im Übertakterbereich ist.
Graphic cards
Taking the foundations of their DirectCU II GTX 580 ASUS have further enhanced the design, aiming it at enthusiasts with the addition of voltage read points, on-board buttons for fan and power adjustments and making it part of the Republic of Gamers brand. So today we have the Matrix GTX 580 Platinum on our test bench and will be finding out in a selection of real world gaming tests, including Crysis 2 with DX11 and high res textures and GPU computing, whether this is now the ultimate GTX 580... or maybe even the best single GPU product ever released...
Graphic cards
Today we are looking at the Republic Of Gamers Mars II video card, which is a custom design comprising two powerful GTX580′s onto a single PCB. Asus are only making 999 of these cards, and we received number 518 for review. Our time with the sample hasn’t been as long as we would have liked, but we will try and ensure you have enough information to help with a potential buying decision.
Graphic cards
Asus konnte bereits in der Vergangenheit mit außergewöhnlichen Grafikkarten-Kreationen auf sich aufmerksam machen und für Erstaunen sorgen. Mit der Mars II setzt der Hersteller nun seine ultimative Serie der imposanten Pixelbeschleunger auf Basis zweier Nividia-GPUs fort. Letztere setzen sich aus zwei Geforce-GTX-580-Chips zusammen, die deutlich schneller als auf der GTX 590 arbeiten und so die maximale Leistung bereitstellen. Wir schauen uns die laut Asus aktuell schnellste Grafikkarte der Welt an und klären, welche Besonderheiten die Mars II mitbringt und für welche Systeme das Geschoss geeignet ist.
Graphic cards
Companies like ASUS have a their own design engineers and every so often the management will let them run free. When that happens you end up with a ridiculous product that pushes the boundaries for what can be done with current technology. ASUS took the Republic of Gamers (ROG) product engineers and challenged them to design the fastest NVIDIA graphics card possible. The result was the ASUS MARS II and we have a quick preview on the card for you!
Graphic cards
Back in 2009, ASUS launched their 1000-piece limited edition mammoth "Mars" (2 x GTX285 on a single card) and took the performance crown over then GPU leaders NVIDIA GTX295 and AMD HD5970, albeit at a significant price premium. Two years later today and equipped with two GTX580 Fermi cores, we do a mini review on the world's fastest single graphics card for enthusiasts - ASUS Republic of Gamers Mars II.
Graphic cards
Asus bringt mit der Mars-Serie oft extravagante Grafikkarten auf den Markt, die mit zwei GPUs ausgestattet sind. Die neue Asus ROG Mars GeForce GTX 760 setzt auf zwei GK104-GPUs.
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