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Graphic cards
Back in October of 2012 we were on an early morning (early for us anyway) conference call at 3pm with Nvidia. The topic was the soon to be released GeForce GTX 650 Ti and while they were going through the specifications one thing stood out to us. This of course was the fact that the 650 Ti was the only graphics card in the Kepler family to be released without supporting Nvidia GPU Boost technology.
Graphic cards
One of the new features of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost is the addition of SLI support. By adding this feature to the GTX 650 Ti Boost gamers can increase their systems horse power by adding two cards in one system.
Graphic cards
Today we’ll be reviewing ASUS’s custom implementation of the Radeon HD 7870, the ASUS Radeon HD 7870 DirectCU II (HD7870-DC2-2GD5-V2). The Radeon HD 7870 is a mid to high end graphics card, which features a 1GHz clock speed, 1280 stream processors, 80 TUs, 32 ROPs, and 2GB of GDDR5 running off a 256-bit memory bus...
Graphic cards
With a second reference GTX 650 Ti Boost on hand we throw both video cards in SLI and check out the performance.
Graphic cards
MSI is a well known Hardware Manufacturer. In this review we look at the MSI GeForce GTX
680 Lightning Graphics Cards with 2GB GDDR5 Memory. Let the fun begin.
Graphic cards
MSI is a well known Hardware Manufacturer. In this review we look at the MSI GeForce GTX
650 Ti Boost Twin Frozr Gaming Edition OC Graphics Card. Let us see how this custom
overclocked beauty with the Twin Frozr III Cooler performs.
Graphic cards
AMDs Radeon-HD-7790-Vorstellung konnte im Bereich Preis-/Leistung durchaus gefallen. Nun haben wir das nächste Partnerprodukt im Labor. Die MSI R7790 OC-Edition möchte die Interessenten ebenfalls durch höhere Taktraten und gute Preise zum Kauf überzeugen. Was das MSI-Produkt in der Praxis zu bieten hat, klärt unser heutiger Test.
Graphic cards
Irrational Games' BioShock Infinite gets tested with EyeFinity, how does it perform at 5760x1080?
Graphic cards
It's an impressive feat that ASUS was able to design such a small GeForce GTX 670. It's a smart move, in our opinion, as compact Mini-ITX systems are gaining in popularity. The ASUS GTX670 DirectCU Mini is by far the fastest graphics card in this size, so if you're building a compact gaming PC that can't fit standard high-end cards, this is an excellent option.
Graphic cards
Présentement, nous allons vous proposer un comparatif qui devrait vous intéresser, car nous nous situons bien loin des hauts de gamme de Nvidia et AMD en termes de tarif. Pourtant, la surprise pourrait bien être de mise. En effet, nous sommes dans une période quelque peu inattendue dans le marché du GPU, les deux géants semblent avoir amorcés une sorte de trêve et la course à la puissance et aux nouvelles gammes semblent bien moins effrénée que par le passé. Les raisons sont multiples, des jeux qui sont souvent des portages de consoles vieillissantes, des cycles de vie de ces dernières allongés et la relève qui s’annonce techniquement bien moins impressionnante qu’attendue. Résultat, nous nous trouvons à une période charnière où l’achat d’un GPU ne signifie pas forcément un trou de 400€ ou plus sur votre compte en banque. Le grand gagnant du ralentissement opéré par Nvidia et AMD est donc le consommateur et cela fera plaisir à tout le monde.
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