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Graphic cards
Erst vor einigen Tagen wurde die neue GTX 460 von Elitegroup vorgestellt. Natürlich handelt es sich hier um keine gewöhnliche, sondern von Werk aus übertaktete GTX 460. Nebenbei wurde auf diesem Modell der derzeit beste VGA Kühler von Arctic Cooling verbaut, der Accelero TwinTurbo Pro. Somit hat man eine perfekt Kombination geschaffen, die schnell und trotzdem leise ist.
Graphic cards
I saw the press release the other week for the Black GTX 460 from ECS and ever since then I've been a pain to them asking when I was going to get a chance to look at it. The moment I saw the card and that massive Arctic Cooling cooler that ECS had implemented, I knew it was going to be a beast. The question we ask now, is it beasty enough?
Graphic cards
Almost a week ago we spoke about the summer period and how it was just around the corner but we were actually a bit off and so while taking a stroll at the beach this morning to clear my head not only did i see many people there as well but most of them weren't there to take a stroll like me (some obviously did) but actually swim and play volley and rackets while listening to music. To my surprise however most people used just the speakers from their smartphones to do that while only a couple did actually use wired portable speakers and not wireless ones. Things got even worse when i realized that i knew one of the people there so when i asked why he was using his iPhone to play to music without an extra speaker he wasn't actually aware about the existence of Bluetooth portable speakers. Now i don't know if this has to do with the job description people have (he happens to be a doctor) but portable Bluetooth speakers have been around for many years so that's not an answer i would expect from anyone. Anyways that's also a reason as to why we will be releasing our portable Bluetooth speaker related reviews a bit faster than we had initially planned and so today we present the latest arion portable bluetooth speaker by Eagle Tech.
Graphic cards
Depuis le lancement de ses Cypress à l'automne 2009, AMD est sur son petit nuage côté GPU ! En effet malgré des soucis de production en début de commercialisation imputable au processus de fabrication TSMC à 40 nm, ses cartes ont bénéficié d'une absence totale de concurrence jusqu'en mai de cette année. Qui plus est, lorsque cette dernière est enfin sortie du bois sous les traits des GTX 470 et 480, elle fut loin de faire l'unanimité malgré des performances à la hausse. La faute à une consommation record avec, pour conséquence, un échauffement et des nuisances sonores catastrophiques. Depuis le caméléon s'est bien resaisi en haut de gamme avec les redoutables GTX 570/580, il est donc temps p our AMD de répliquer. C'est chose faite aujourd'hui avec le lancement des RADEON HD 6900 basées sur la puce Cayman, une nouvelle réussite ? Réponse dans ce dossier au travers d'un panel de 18 jeux !
Graphic cards
On the ATI based side we have Sapphire's 5970 Toxic 4GB and the Asus Matrix 5870 Platinum. From NVIDIA partners we have Zotac GTX 480's, Gigabyte and Palit GTX 470's and Gainward GTX 465s which allow us to compare single GPU and SLI based setups. We will be covering real world gameplay, PhysX, 3D Vision, GPU computing, High Definition / 3D media playback and power/noise readings in this review to establish which products are worth purchasing.
Graphic cards
Grafikkarten gehören ohne Zweifel zu der Sorte von Hardware, die sich am schnellsten weiter entwickelt. Wir lassen eine Reihe von Generationen gegeneinander antreten. Insgesamt 14 Grafikkarten unterschiedlichen Alters haben wir dazu eingeladen, sich in einem Duell zu messen. Von GeForce 6800 und Radeon X800 bis hin zu Radeon HD 4800 sowie GeForce GTX 200 ist alles dabei.
Graphic cards
In der nächsten Zeit kommen augenscheinlich DualChip-Grafikkarten auf Basis (zweier) GeForce GTX 460 Grafikchips in den Handel – hochinteressante Produkte, da diese das Potential haben, soviel Performance wie bei der GeForce GTX 580 zu einem mehr als deutlich niedrigerem Preis zu bieten. Doch auch andere Grafikchips des Performance-Segments eignen sich im Zweierverbund für diese Aufgabenstellung: GeForce GTX 560 Ti, Radeon HD 6850 und Radeon HD 6870 würden ebenfalls sehr gute DualChip-Lösungen abgeben, wie entsprechende Hochrechnungen zu Performance, Stromverbrauch und Preis ergeben.
Graphic cards
Today for review I’m looking at a game that isn’t going to be released until next year, sounds like a long way off but it isn’t really. January 5th is the release date of Divinity II: Ego Draconis for both PC and Xbox360 and I got the PC version a few weeks before that date so I could bring you a review or preview of it. I’ve got tons of screenshots for you along with a video as well from my time playing the game. Divinity II Ego Draconis will offer you hours and hours of play even if you just play it right through without doing any of the side quests. The graphics are beautiful, and game play is fun and exhilarating, especially as you fly around in your dragon form. So continue on to learn more…
Graphic cards
Regardless of your reasons, people are now used to running multiple monitors in everyday situations... but not every computer is equipped with multiple display ports. Some monster cards, like the Sapphire 4850 X2 reviewed here, have four DVI ports, which is more than enough for even Al Gore. Most add-on graphics cards only have 2 ports, and only one of them may be DVI. Notebooks (and netbooks) usually only have a single VGA port, if they have one at all. If only there was some way to upgrade your monitor and desktop space without opening your computer.
Graphic cards
One video card bug that has bothered me for months can be found in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky and it can only be found on AMD Radeon HD graphics cards. Have you ever wondered if you are actually seeing all the details in games that you purchase? Read on to see what we are talking about!
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