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Graphic cards
Graphic cards
High end graphics cards such as Nvidia’s GTX295 and ATI’s 4870x2 are the stuff of dreams for most of us. With the current economic climate and tightening budgets it is important we focus on some of the more affordable solutions and today we are doing just that by looking at two cards available from the current Nvidia lineup, Gigabyte’s 1GB 9600 GT and a 9400 GT from PNY.
Graphic cards
If you missed the launch of ATI's Radeon HD 4770 GPU you're in for a special treat today. PCSTATS is testing out Gigabyte's GV-R477D5-512H-B Radeon HD 4770 videocard alone, and in Crossfire mode so you'll know exactly what two of these mainstream cards can do for you! We already know one Radeon HD 4770 graphics card offers great performance for under a hundred bucks, the real question is what level of gaming performance will two 4770's teamed up under Crossfire deliver? Mainstream videocards often scale faster and farther than pricey flagship videocards, so it'll be interesting to see where two Radeon HD 4770's stand against videocards several times their price.
Graphic cards
The HD4770 at this time is the bargain of the lot and at an introductory US$99 price, two of these cards in a Crossfire setup would be a fast US$200 combo that would handle most games reasonably well even at higher resolutions.
Graphic cards
Today we are looking at two cards, the XFX HD 4890 Black Edition and Zotac’s GTX285 Infinity. Both are each respective manufacturer’s fastest single core offerings and bring several improved features to the table. The XFX Black Edition contains a 1GHz core (150MHz increase over the reference card) while the Zotac GTX285 Infinity is supplied with increased clock speeds and a preinstalled waterblock for unmatched thermal performance.
Graphic cards
Nach dem erfolgreichen Launch der Radeon 4890 warten alle Benchmark Jäger auf die passende X2 Version, die zwei GPUs auf einer Platine hat und so ein Crossfire System mit 2 Grafikkarten erspart. Da wir mittlerweile an so ein Modell nicht mehr glauben, haben wir uns die Performance von einem 4890 OC Crossfire Verbund genauer angesehen.
Graphic cards
The cream of the crop graphics cards now tend to be dual core designs such as the GTX 295 or, if we are talking ATI, 4870x2s. However, single core cards are still very much in the scene and competing right at the top end of graphics card technology.
Graphic cards
Der anisotrope Filter gehört seit Jahren zu jeder guten Grafikkarte dazu. Doch die Implementierungen unterscheiden sich je nach Hersteller teils sichtbar. Wer bietet dem Käufer die beste Qualität? Dies wollen wir anhand diverser Screenshots, Videos sowie Spielsequenzen heraus finden. Darüber hinaus klären wir, wie hoch der Performancegewinn durch die Optimierungen ist.
Graphic cards
With the launch of the AMD Radeon HD 5870 graphics card fresh on our minds, we couldn't help but wonder how far we could overclock the card if we weren't limited by what Catalyst Control Center capped us at? Read on to see what we can do with the AMD GPU Clock Tool on our 5870 that comes stick at 850MHz GPU and 1200MHz Memory.
Graphic cards
Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 Tested in 15 Benchmarks 15 benchmarks, 5 resolutions, noise/power consumption tests and much more…
Graphic cards
We recently took a look at Sapphire's HD5750 in this review, and now we're going to see what one of the bigger, faster siblings of the new DirectX 11 capable HD5XXX family has to offer. The main focus of this review is to feature Sapphire's Radeon HD5850 1GB graphics card, but as an interesting side effect we will also take a look at the CrossFire performance of a pair of these HD5850 cards, as well as a pair of Sapphire's HD5750 cards.
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