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Graphic cards
Die Geforce GTX 770 wurde von Nvidia vor wenigen Wochen veröffentlicht und verdrängt nun langsam aber sicher die GTX 680 vom Markt. Entsprechende Varianten der Boardpartner sollen diesen Vorgang mitunter beschleunigen. So bietet beispielsweise Gigabyte mit der GV-N770OC-2GD eine potente Lösung an. Dieses Modell kann mit einer der höchsten GPU-Taktraten unter den GTX-770-Ablegern aufwarten und ist zudem mit Gigabytes performanten Windforce-3X-Kühler ausgestattet. Neben der Leistung will der Hersteller mit einem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis punkten. Ob Gigabyte am Ende ein empfehlenswertes Produkt abliefert, erfahrt ihr in diesem Test.
Graphic cards
Aujourd’hui à la Ferme, une très belle carte ; une CG qui nous vient de chez Gigabyte, avec le style WindForce si cher à la marque. Mais surtout, la carte veut boxer dans la cour des grands avec des atouts certains, en termes de fréquence (Oc d’usine) et une quantité de mémoire augmentée. Tout de suite, on imagine aisément l’apport de ces caractéristiques, en termes de gaming pur et en termes de gestion du multi-écrans.
Graphic cards
Today we shall review a couple of GeForce GTX 480 graphics cards from Gigabyte and Leadtek. Actually these two cards copy the reference product, they just come with custom stickers, bundles and boxes.
Graphic cards
Gigabyte GTX670 OC Video Card Review The Gigabyte GV-N670OC-GD2 has many things going for it starting with the new GTX 670 GPU. This may be a cut down version of the GTX 680 but it has plenty of power for most games and some to spare in others. Most of that power comes from the impressive decent factory overclock which was due, in part, to the custom designed PCB and Windforce thermal solution.
Graphic cards
Gigabytes take on a custom cooled, overclocked 980 Ti gets tested...
Graphic cards
We all have our own style preferences and this is no different when it comes to video cards. So when Gigabyte wanted to send out their GTX 960 I wasn’t about to turn it down enough though we have already covered a few other GTX 960’s. I wanted to see how Gigabytes offering compares to the competition, both with its performance and also with its styling. If we didn’t have variety we would all be running the exact same PC configuration and that wouldn’t be any fun. So today I’m going to put the Gigabyte GTX 960 through our standard benchmark suite as well as take a closer look at what makes it tick to find out if this is the best GTX 960 to pick up for your new budget build.
Graphic cards
Since Nvidia's GTX 780 hit the market we've only had the opportunity to take a look at the reference design card which we reviewed over 5 months ago, be sure to check that review out here, but today we've kindly been provided with a custom cooled partner design of the GTX 780 that we've been greatly looking forward to. What we have is the best Gigabyte has to offer in the form of the GTX 780 WindForce OC graphics card.
This enthusiast graphics card uses Gigabyte's premium WindForce 450 cooling solution that has a trio of 80mm fans, five copper heat pipes and a hefty chunk of aluminium heatsink fins to offer cooling capabilities up to 450 watts which more than exceeds the 250W TDP of the GTX 780 GPU. That said Gigabyte have fully exploited the cooling capabilities and cranked the GPU up to 954MHz/1006MHz from the stock 863MHz/900MHz while leaving the memory untouched at the stock 6GHz effective throughput speed.
Graphic cards
With the coming of the GTX Titan derivation named GTX 780, we have very good performances available at a lower price point. Gigabyte is one of the companies which offer a highly overclocked variant and a custom, compact cooling system which is enough silent when the card is placed in a well ventilated computer case.
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