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Graphic cards
Obwohl SSAA auf der GeForce GTX 400 offiziell nicht möglich ist, funktioniert die Kantenglättung trotzdem – durch einen Fehler. Wir haben uns die Sache genau angesehen und liefern Benchmarks. Wie viele Bilder pro Sekunde SSAA auf GeForce GTX 470 und GTX 480 kostet, klären wir in gewohnt ausführlicher Manier.
Graphic cards
Those three letters immediately conjure visions of video gaming excellence – especially when you delve into their high end product range. Without doubt, along with Sapphire, XFX have been producing some of the finest graphics cards on the market over the last decade.
Graphic cards
The RADEON HD 5770 1GB GDDR5 video card from XFX comes bundled with one of the few games that support the newest DirectX11, Aliens vs Predator. The card also comes with enough documentation so anyone could install the video card in their computer and start playing right away. The board's performance approaches that of last generation high end HD 4890 card and offers enough FPS in almost all older and recent games, even with higher quality settings.
Graphic cards
Das Referenzdesign der GeForce GTX 470 ist schnell... und sehr warm und sehr laut. Schafft es Zotac mit der GeForce GTX 470 AMP! diese Mankos zu beseitigen? Wir testen die Karte in unserem Labor auf Herz und Niere um genau dieser Frage im Detail nachzugehen und am Ende des Tages eine klar Antwort geben zu können.
Graphic cards
NVIDIA's GF100 graphic processor may be late to the game but the wait may have been worthwhile. Complete with 448 CUDA cores and a 320-bit GDDR5 memory sub-system, the GTX 470 packs quite the punch to do battle with AMD's HD 5870. Click through to see how the GTX 470 handles the competition along with how well it scales through overclocking.
Graphic cards
We have reviewed many Sapphire graphics cards on KitGuru over the last month and we have found them all worthy of serious consideration in their respective sectors. They often include some of the finest cooling solutions and we have been particularly enamoured with their silent range of products- such as the HD5550 Ultimate.
Graphic cards
We've already had a look at one GTX 460 today which came from MSI. That particular version was a 768MB card and while you might be thinking that the 1GB is much of the same thing, you would be mistaken.
Graphic cards
Today we shall review NVIDIA GeForce GTX 465 graphics card as well as a couple of original GeForce GTX 470 cards from Gainward and InnoVision.
Graphic cards
Nvidia hatte sich mit der Antwort auf ATIs HD5800 Serie sehr viel Zeit gelassen, für viele Anwender zu viel Zeit, um noch länger zu warten. Ende März 2010 war es dann doch soweit, der GF100 Grafikchip wurde präsentiert und die beiden Topmodelle GTX 480 und GTX 470 standen in den Startlöchern. Was dann kam, hat viele geduldige Nvidia-Fans gewaltig enttäuscht, die GTX 480 erklomm zwar die neue Performance Krone knapp vor der HD5870 von ATI, aber um welchen Preis? die Kühler samt Lüfter entfachen unter Last einen nicht akzeptablen Orkan, werden trotzdem viel zu warm und genehmigen sich unter Vollast bis zu 250 Watt Strom, wohlgemerkt nur auf die Grafikkarte bezogen.
Graphic cards
With the help of the Gainward GTX 460 GLH Edition, the Palit GTX 460 Sonic Platinum and our favorite overclocking program from MSI, Afterburner, we're going to try and move past that 800MHz default clock the companies offer and see what we're able to achieve out of this $500 setup that has offered us simply amazing performance already.
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