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Graphic cards
AMD a dévoilé fin 2011 "Tahiti", la première puce de la lignée Southern Islands qui anime les cartes haut de gamme HD 7900 en employant l'architecture GCN et le procédé de gravure 28 nm. Ont suivi les HD 7700, équipées cette fois de Cap Verde, un GPU partageant les 2 points précédents, mais bien moins complexe puisque destiné au marché Mainstream. L'entrée de gamme étant le domaine réservé des APU, restait au fondeur à combler le segment Performance, cible privilégiée des gamers souhaitant de bonnes conditions de jeu sans y laisser pour autant un rein ! C'est donc Pitcairn qui se voit confier cette tâche ô combien importante vu les volumes de ventes en jeu, les HD 7800 l'utilisant parviennent-elles à faire oublier les HD 6800 et GTX 560 qui se disputaient jusqu'alors le gâteau ? Réponse dans ce dossier au travers d'un panel de 20 jeux et 16 cartes.
Graphic cards
Palit say that 2GB of GDDR5 isn't enough on the new GTX 680 from NVIDIA. So, they turned around and doubled it to 4GB.
Graphic cards
The HIS 7870 IceQ, the latest 7870 to come from HIS, it features a custom PCB and cooler. At first look, the card looks huge! At 29.7 cm long it’s longer than even it’s much more powerful brother, the 7970. The combination of a fairly low power 28nm GPU and a massive cooler should make for a very fun graphics card overclocking wise and hopefully, quiet too.
Graphic cards
We get our hands on a second Palit Jetstream GeForce GTX 680 4GB video card and check out SLI performance.
Graphic cards
Decent gaming on a budget, is it possible? Maybe, maybe not, but companies are trying to make it a reality for us. Not everyone can afford several hundred dollars to pay for the latest and greatest video card on the market and that would be the new 7000 series from AMD that can easily cost $500 to $700 is some cases. Thankfully they’ve come out with other versions of the card meant to provide performance but not break your budget. Today for review I have one such card from HIS Digital, the Radeon HD 7770 Ghz Edition which of course features Direct X 11 for the best look in games and everything you do. I’ve put it up against some other cards I’ve got on hand for comparison, so read on to see how the 7770 stands up to the competition.
Graphic cards
AMD’s 7000 series is made up of 3 segments. Starting with the flagship 7900 which are the high-end cards. Then we have the 7700 series which has budget gamers in mind. Finally we have the 7800 series which sits right in the middle to hit the sweet spot between cost and performance. The 7800 series has 2 cards the 7850 and the 7870, today we are taking a look at the 7850. Not just any 7850 though, the 7850 Overclocked Edition from Sapphire. This card really makes the sweet spot even sweeter with a factory overclock moving the core up to 920MHz and the memory up to 1250MHz. Sapphire has also added their popular Dual-X cooler for better cooling performance. Read on to see what this card is all about.
Graphic cards
The HIS 7770 iCooler GHz edition offers good performance for an easy to swallow price of around $150 US right now. The iCooler is silent and cools well and makes it easy to squeeze some extra performance through overclocking.
Graphic cards
On pourrait même rajouter une carte d’exception qui cache bien son jeu. En effet, la carte a de faux airs de carte toute gentille. Nous nous expliquons. Lorsque vous déballez la carte de PNY, vous vous retrouvez face à un carénage connu, puisqu’il s’agit de celui retenu d’origine par Nvidia. Toutefois votre regard sera indéniablement surpris par la présence de deux tuyaux de Watercooling qui s’en échappent, votre curiosité sera alors aux abois et vous suivrez ces deux artères pour aboutir à un radiateur de 120, surmonté par un ventilateur. Votre esprit malicieux en déduira logiquement qu’il s’agit d’un croisement entre le refroidissement de Nvidia et un kit watercooling tout-en-un.
Graphic cards
MSI's first Radeon 7000 series Power Edition video card arrives in the form of the HD 7770, a model that's been hit and miss.
Graphic cards
We check out the Twin Frozr based HD 7870 from MSI and see how it overclocks and performs today.
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