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Graphic cards
The Virtu Universal MVP is a software-based technology that is available on most motherboards based on the latest Intel Z77 chipset. It allows you to combine the CPU integrated graphics processor to your regular video card, increasing gaming performance. This is similar to what occurs with the NVIDIA's Hybrid SLI and AMD's ATI Hybrid technologies, with the notable difference of not being limited to GPUs or CPUs of a specific manufacturer. In this review we will see if this technology really works and how much performance you will gain by using it. We will also take a look at the performance of the integrated graphics processor available on the Core i7-3770K ("Ivy Bridge" CPU.
Graphic cards
The GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost is Nvidia's answer to AMD's Radeon HD 7790, and it's a good one. It's very similar in design and performance to the GTX 660, with the same clock frequencies, the same turbo and the same 192-bit memory controller. The 768 shader units are the same as the original GTX 650 Ti.
Graphic cards
It's been a while since we've looked at anything from PowerColor, but after seeing their showings at Computex, it's great to see something new from the company. Made even better is the fact that we're not talking about a card with a new cooler or anything like that, we're talking about a new card that PowerColor themselves have been working hard on.
Graphic cards
We overclock the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 SLI video card setup and check out what kind of performance we're able to get out of this high-end configuration.
Graphic cards
While the HD 6870 has been around for a while, we've actually seen a few companies release new versions of the card. While the DirectCU II version from ASUS has been out for a little while now; after using it in our $599 AMD Gaming PC Built and Tested and it doing a good job of impressing us, we had to make some time to look at it in all its glory.
Graphic cards
Die Kollegen von Hardwareoverclock haben einen neuen Artikel online gestellt. Nach den zahlreichen GTX260 Tests wollen sie euch diesmal nVidia's neueste Dual GPU Grafikkarte vorstellen, die GTX295. Als Sample stand die EVGA GTX295 zur Verfügung, die man gegen andere GTX Modelle verglichen hat.
Graphic cards
Présentement, nous allons vous proposer un comparatif qui devrait vous intéresser, car nous nous situons bien loin des hauts de gamme de Nvidia et AMD en termes de tarif. Pourtant, la surprise pourrait bien être de mise. En effet, nous sommes dans une période quelque peu inattendue dans le marché du GPU, les deux géants semblent avoir amorcés une sorte de trêve et la course à la puissance et aux nouvelles gammes semblent bien moins effrénée que par le passé. Les raisons sont multiples, des jeux qui sont souvent des portages de consoles vieillissantes, des cycles de vie de ces dernières allongés et la relève qui s’annonce techniquement bien moins impressionnante qu’attendue. Résultat, nous nous trouvons à une période charnière où l’achat d’un GPU ne signifie pas forcément un trou de 400€ ou plus sur votre compte en banque. Le grand gagnant du ralentissement opéré par Nvidia et AMD est donc le consommateur et cela fera plaisir à tout le monde.
Graphic cards
The latest card to get the ‘special’ treatment from XFX is the HD6950 XXX Edition which is not only supplied with higher than reference clocks, but a dual fan, customised cooler design. Is this one of the best HD6950′s that money can buy? Today we will find out.
Graphic cards
Das Thema unseres heutigen Tests sind zwei Grafikkarten, welche im für viele Spieler besonders attraktiven Preisbereich zwischen 150 und 200 Euro angesiedelt sind. Sowohl bei seiner N460GTX Cyclone 768D5/OC als auch bei dem Modell R5830 Twin Frozr II setzt MSI auf ein eigenständiges Design bei der Platine und dem Kühler.
Graphic cards
I was a little noncommittal in recommending the 4670 and I suspect that I’m pretty much in the same boat with regards to the 4650. On the one hand, these are inexpensive cards with impressive performance for the price, but on the other hand, for very little extra, much more capable cards can be had. But let’s say, for example, you had sixty bucks and only wanted to play WoW or the Orange Box. Will this card do it?
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