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Graphic cards
Graphic cards
The new Radeon HD 6790 comes with a USD 150 suggested price, positioning it between the Radeon HD 5770 and the Radeon HD 6850, and competing directly with the GeForce GTX 550 Ti from NVIDIA. Let's see if this video card is a good buy.
Graphic cards
Inno3D releases an overclocked version of GTX275 with proper price and very good performance. In fact in most cases were somewhat slower than the more expensive GTX285, a perfect solution that won our Safe Buy Award.
Graphic cards
Building a new computer isn’t the easiest of tasks. You’ve got to choose the right processor, RAM, motherboard and most importantly, the graphics card. This is where the Zotac GeForce GTX 500 Ti AMP! Edition comes in to play. It retails for around the £100 mark and offers 1GB of GDDR5 memory. Also, thanks to the GTX 550 Ti being carefully tweaked and tuned for the best performance possible, it should prove to be a relatively cheap and great performing card. Let’s take a closer look…
Graphic cards
Nach der Zotac GTX295 wollen wir euch eine weitere Single PCB Variante der GTX295 vorstellen, diesmal aus dem Hause EVGA, die EVGA GeForce GTX 295 CO-OP Edition Single PCB
Graphic cards
AMD Radeon HD 7870 und HD 7850 Mit Vorstellung der Radeon-HD-7800-Serie hat AMD nun alle GCN-GPUs, die gegen Nvidias kommende Kepler-Riege den Sieg erringen sollen, am Markt. Können die neuen Karten überzeugen?
Graphic cards
The video card from EVGA we're looking at today is the GeForce GTX 670 FTW LE 2GB. To easily understand where it fits in EVGA's lineup, it their entry level non-reference design offering that's one step higher than the basic reference design. With the term FTW (for the win) in it's name, you'd probably assume that this is one of EVGA's higher end cards. You would be semi-right, as the FTW (and FTW SIG2) version are EVGA's top 2GB GTX 670 products. It's the LE suffix that denotes the lower end of the scale. To me, FTW LE is an oxymoron.
Graphic cards
The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 combines the power of two GTX 200GPUs on a single graphics card. With a total of 480 processing cores and 1792 Mb of video memory, the GeForce GTX 295 might just be the fastest graphics card available on the market today. Read on as we compare the EVGA GeForce GTX 295 to the Radeon HD 4870 X2 in the latest and most popular game titles.
Graphic cards
Today we are looking at the VTX3D HD7990 Graphics card, a flagship product created by partners after AMD failed to deliver an official dual GPU product this year. The VTX3D HD7990 in particular has generated a lot of interest as it is the least expensive HD7990 in the UK today available at £679.99 inc vat, significantly cheaper than both Club3D and Powercolor models. Dabs are also offering a £40 cashback voucher in December, bringing the total price to £640 inc vat.
Graphic cards
The HAWK series is one of my favorite, and that's mainly because it sits towards the top of the chart when it comes to what you can do with a card. At the bottom of the stack you've got your reference card. From there we introduce an overclock and over that you can start to look at custom cooling. Once you get out of that area, you're into cards like the HAWK and Lightning which utilize custom PCBs. That introduces the ability to gain an even higher overclock than other models, and when combined with MSIs own overclocking software, Afterburner, we can really reach for the skies.
Graphic cards
Entwickler Nvidia hat im vergangenen Kalenderjahr fleißig das Kepler-Produktportfolio erweitert und die überarbeitete Architektur in allen Marktsegmenten, von Low-Entry- bis High-End-Grafikkarten, etabliert. Im unteren Leistungsbereich war die Abdeckung bislang allerdings noch lückenhaft, denn zwischen einer GeForce GTX 650 und einer GeForce GTX 660 ergaben sich verhältnismäßig große Performanceunterschiede. Diese Lücke hat Nvidia mit der Präsentation der GeForce GTX 650 Ti mittlerweile geschlossen und einen weiteren AMD-Gegenspieler auf den Markt gebracht. Die GTX 650 Ti basiert auf einer GK106-GPU, der Basis für die 660er Familie, und darf sich der Rechenpower von insgesamt 768 Shader-Einheiten erfreuen. Wie die weiteren technischen Daten aussehen und wie sich eine ZOTAC GeForce GTX 650 Ti AMP! Edition in der Praxis schlägt, lesen Sie in unserem ausführlichen Test!
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