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Graphic cards
Jump forward to the GTX 460 and overclocking became a huge part of the model. Every model we've tested to date has been overclocked out of the box, and most by a fairly good margin. Getting down and dirty with MSI Afterburner, you really had the chance to achieve even more speed thanks to the voltage increase ability and recently the GTX 460 HAWK from MSI offered us just some insane clocks, tipping almost 1GHz on the core.
Graphic cards
We've already had a chance to look at one GTS 450 and it managed to do a good job impressing us. While Galaxy chose to push the price higher than what we'll see other variants of the model come in at, they did choose to ramp up the clock speeds on the card.
Graphic cards
MSI is one of those names you think of when compiling a list of computer components. You know that the amount of testing and quality control that goes into each product released will shine through in performance and longevity. It produces some of the best looking, cooling, sounding and performing graphics cards on the market thanks to the military grade components that go into every card.
Graphic cards
Now that we know how the 870A Fuzion will perform when run as a single GPU system, we need to see if the Fuzion side of the house is worth the price of admission. After all, that is one of the major selling points of the system (running dual NVIDIA GPUs on the board).
Graphic cards
Though it might seem a bit unusual to see NVIDIA let loose its GTX 770 a mere week after its 780 launch, here’s something to clear things up: $399. Built on GK104 (not GK110, like the 780), the GTX 770 is in effect a beefed-up GTX 680. It boasts 700 series features, NVIDIA’s latest cooler, and of course, a savings of about $100.
Graphic cards
Nachdem AMD Ende vergangenen Jahres seine HD 7000 Serie präsentierte, wurde im Hause Nvidia mit Hochdruck an dem Release der GTX 600 Serie gearbeitet. Im ersten Quartal 2012 war es dann soweit, Nvidias Flaggschiff die Geforce GTX 680 ging als direkter Gegenspieler zur Radeon HD 7970 an den Start. Zwei Monate darauf schob man die Geforce GTX 670 als Konkurrenz zur Radeon HD 7950 nach, so sollte auch das bezahlbare Mittelfeld abgedeckt werden. Seitdem ist einige Zeit vergangen und die Grafikkartenhersteller haben modifizierte Versionen auf den Markt gebracht, von denen wir uns fünf Modelle genauer anschauen wollen.
Graphic cards
Mehr Bilder pro Sekunde = Mehr Spielspaß. Eine einfache Formel, der so genannte „Mikroruckler“ einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen. Wir testen den Status quo bei AMD und Nvidia.
Graphic cards
AMD has affirmed its position in the mid-range graphics market with the successful Radeon HD 77xx and 78xx GPUs. With so many individual graphics cards to choose from, how do you decide which is best? Cooler, factory overclock, VRAM and display outputs are all valid reasons for picking one card over another.
Graphic cards
der neue Shooter der 4A Games Studios, Metro Last Light, sieht dank aufwendiger DirectX-11-Optik herausragend gut aus und bringt bei allen zugeschalteten Details einen großen Hardware-Hunger mit. Dennoch läuft das Spiel auch mit älteren Grafikkarten rund, wenn man die richtigen Schalter betätigt. Unser Test klärt Sie auf.
Graphic cards
Not all laptops even support triple displays, even though they may feature a DisplayPort interface. The DualHead2Go Digital SE adapter enables any laptop to have an ultra-widescreen desktop resolution up to 5760x1200
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