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Graphic cards
Graphic cards
Sapphire are readying their 7870 cards and first out of the gate is their custom design OverClock Edition. We have one on our test bench today and here is a gallery which shows what Sapphire are offering.
Graphic cards
We have been hard at work for the last week reviewing many new 7000 series cards from AMD’s leading partners. In this review today we are looking at the new Sapphire HD7850 Overclock Edition which features a custom cooling solution and out of the box clock speed enhancements.
Graphic cards
The Radeon HD 7750 is an interesting offering from AMD, aimed more at budget conscious people, succeeding to deliver about the same performance as the Radeon HD 5770, this time without the need of extra power. The cooling solution from AMD is single slot, features vapor chamber technology; the solutions implemented by the partners have larger coolers, are more silent, but in most cases these are also dual-slot.
Graphic cards
Last week we reviewed the overclocked XFX HD7870 Black Edition graphics card, and today we look at the Sapphire HD7870 Overclock Edition. This card features a custom cooler, with twin fans and overclocked out of the box settings to appeal to the enthusiast audience.
Graphic cards
AMD a dévoilé fin 2011 "Tahiti", la première puce de la lignée Southern Islands qui anime les cartes haut de gamme HD 7900 en employant l'architecture GCN et le procédé de gravure 28 nm. Ont suivi les HD 7700, équipées cette fois de Cap Verde, un GPU partageant les 2 points précédents, mais bien moins complexe puisque destiné au marché Mainstream. L'entrée de gamme étant le domaine réservé des APU, restait au fondeur à combler le segment Performance, cible privilégiée des gamers souhaitant de bonnes conditions de jeu sans y laisser pour autant un rein ! C'est donc Pitcairn qui se voit confier cette tâche ô combien importante vu les volumes de ventes en jeu, les HD 7800 l'utilisant parviennent-elles à faire oublier les HD 6800 et GTX 560 qui se disputaient jusqu'alors le gâteau ? Réponse dans ce dossier au travers d'un panel de 20 jeux et 16 cartes.
Graphic cards
Au palmarès des cartes haut de gamme, le GPU dernière génération de chez AMD le Radeon HD 7870 fait des émules auprès des joueurs exigeants. Et pour cause, rares sont les modèles permettant d’obtenir un confort de jeux optimal en haute résolutions et surtout avec les nombreuses options graphiques activées supportées par les derniers jeux.
Graphic cards
Still a couple of days out from the official NVIDIA launch, we look at the upcoming GEFORCE GTX 670 video card in an overclocked state.
Graphic cards
Today we are looking at two of the latest graphics cards from HIS, the confusingly named HD7870 IceQ Turbo and the IceQ X Turbo X. Both of these cards feature custom cooling solutions and are supplied in a pre-overclocked state. We have been impressed with the IceQ coolers in the past, especially in regards to low noise levels, so we have hopes that these cards will prove a tempting solution for the discerning enthusiast gamer.
Graphic cards
MSI expand the Power Edition series with the release of the Radeon HD 7850. We overclock it a lot and see what the model is capable of doing.
Graphic cards
We look at our very first Zalman based video card and see if the company has a chance in this competitive market.
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