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Graphic cards
Graphic cards
The launch of the new GTX 560 Ti 448 today I think is a prime example of why NVIDIA does so well in the video card market. You just have to look at the current release schedule of games, or the games that have just recently been released and know that we're going to have a flood of PC Gamers get their game on over the next few months.
Graphic cards
The other day we checked out the brand new MSI GTX 560 Ti-448 1280MB Twin Frozr III Power Edition and found ourselves extremely impressed what the limited edition model from NVIDIA was offering us for the holiday season. Being part of the Power Edition series from MSI, though, means that it stands out more so than a lot of other companies, and via the help of MSI Afterburner we're able to overclock the card.
Graphic cards
Once in a while, a high-end video card lands on my test table; in most cases just to overclock on air cooling without even the most simple voltage modifications. This time however we put the card under LN2 and found out this is a golden sample within the Lightning series. Is it the fastest running NVIDIA GPU ever?
Graphic cards
Today we are looking at a highly modified Nvidia GTX 570 solution from MSI, featuring an uprated power configuration, voltage adjustment and a dual fan Twin Frozr III cooler. Not only has the card been modified from the ground up for ultimate performance, but MSI have included new Propeller Blade fans to enhance airflow by 20 percent. MSI claim that these fans reduce GPU temperature by 18c and fan noise by 7.7 dBa when compared against the reference solution.
Graphic cards
The MSI N460GTX Cyclone 1GD5 video card looks great on paper, but how well does that custom Cyclone cooler do in the real world? We take this factory overclocked video card from 725MHz on the GF104 'Fermi' GPU core well past 900MHz, so it looks like it is the real deal. Read on to see what MSI has done with the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 1GB video card with their custom cooled N460GTX Cyclone!
Graphic cards
I’ve reviewed quite a few video cards in the MSI Gaming line, I like what they have done with the Twin Frozr cooling system but for some reason this time it didn’t hit the mark I was looking for.
Graphic cards
Der Februar 2013 dürfte im Kalender von AMD und sicherlich nicht nur dort ziemlich heftige Nachwirkungen hinterlassen haben, Nvidia präsentierte die sündhaft teure Geforce GTX Titan, die mit mit ihrer Performance alles in Grund und Boden deklassierte, was bisher auf dem Grafikkarten Segment Rang und Namen aufwies. Damit nicht genug, im Mai 2013 folgten die etwas preisgünstigeren aber kaum langsameren GTX 780 und reichten AMDs HD 7970 in den Toplisten abermals weiter nach unten durch. Wir waren in dieser Zeit auf der Suche nach einer adäquaten Grafikkarte für unser neues Haswell System und warteten auf die Eigenkreationen von Nvidias Board Partnern, nicht nur wegen der Technik Affinität, sondern insbesondere wegen der teilweise sehr interessanten Kühllösungen. Nach einigen kontroversen Diskussionen haben wir uns dann doch wieder für eine MSI Lightning entschieden, einfach auch dem Gefühl heraus, nicht an der falschen Stelle sparen zu wollen.
Damit steht auch unser GK 110 Testkandidat fest: die neue MSI Geforce GTX 780 Lightning. MSI bietet wieder ein Feuerwerk an technischen Features, die wir in unserem Test sehr genau unter die Lupe genommen haben. Dazu orderten wir bei Caseking die entsprechende MSI Karte aus einer aktuellen Produktions-Charge und quälten sie 14 Tage durch unseren aufwendigen Test-Parcours. Was sich dabei an verwertbaren Fakten herauskristallisierte und ob unser Bauchgefühl ein guter Berater war, reflektieren wir jetzt in unserem neuesten Grafikkarten Review, dazu wünschen wir euch wieder viel Vergnügen....
Graphic cards
We step away from the new R Series video cards from AMD for a moment and check out the GTX 780 Lightning from MSI.
Graphic cards
We step away from Z97 motherboards for a moment and check out the brand new 6GB-wielding GeForce GTX 780 from MSI under the Twin Frozr Gaming name.
Graphic cards
We're checking out the new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 GPU in the form of the 3GB Twin Frozr Gaming OC Edition from MSI which falls under the new Gaming Series brand.
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