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Graphic cards
If you are thinking of upgrading your system before Christmas then we have two highly modified graphics cards on test today from HIS which should prove interesting. The HIS HD 7950 IceQ is competitively priced at £239.99 and features a large custom cooler and out of the box overclocked speeds. The high end HIS HD 7970 IceQ X² Turbo is £100 more expensive and features a two fan cooler with highly overclocked core and memory speeds. The big question needs answered today … are they worth a purchase?
Graphic cards
Instead of releasing a plain-jane GIGABYTE branded reference design video card for its volume GeForce GTX 670 product, GIGABYTE injected its own style into its offering. Like the headlining products across the whole GIGABYTE GeForce 600 series, its top of the line GTX 670 product features a WINDFORCE cooler.
Graphic cards
Nach unseren präsentierten Benchmarks zu AMD Tahiti LE hatten wir versprochen, möglichst zeitnah den kompletten Grafikkartentest nachzuliefern. Heute wollen wir das Versprechen einlösen und präsentieren den detaillierten Test zur VTX3D Radeon HD 7870 Black - durchaus repräsentativ für die derzeit verfügbaren GPUs auf Basis Tahiti LE. Unser Artikel gibt Aufschluss über Lautstärke, Leistungsaufnahme, Spannungen und Temperaturverhalten.
Graphic cards
We looked at the Radeon HD 7850 IceQ Turbo video card the other day, and today we throw a second into the mix and look at CrossFire performance.
Graphic cards
The time has come for a CrossFire review on Tweak.dk. It's a pair of HIS Radeon HD 7850 IceQ Turbo 2GB graphics cards to be precise. Both cards are equipped with 2GB GDDR5 memmory at 4.8GHz, and have a core clock at 1GHz. The HIS Radeon HD 7850 IceQ Turbo 2GB is using the latest and largest IceQ cooler, who is among the largest coolers on the market.
Graphic cards
Entwickler Nvidia hat im vergangenen Kalenderjahr fleißig das Kepler-Produktportfolio erweitert und die überarbeitete Architektur in allen Marktsegmenten, von Low-Entry- bis High-End-Grafikkarten, etabliert. Im unteren Leistungsbereich war die Abdeckung bislang allerdings noch lückenhaft, denn zwischen einer GeForce GTX 650 und einer GeForce GTX 660 ergaben sich verhältnismäßig große Performanceunterschiede. Diese Lücke hat Nvidia mit der Präsentation der GeForce GTX 650 Ti mittlerweile geschlossen und einen weiteren AMD-Gegenspieler auf den Markt gebracht. Die GTX 650 Ti basiert auf einer GK106-GPU, der Basis für die 660er Familie, und darf sich der Rechenpower von insgesamt 768 Shader-Einheiten erfreuen. Wie die weiteren technischen Daten aussehen und wie sich eine ZOTAC GeForce GTX 650 Ti AMP! Edition in der Praxis schlägt, lesen Sie in unserem ausführlichen Test!
Graphic cards
Précédemment dans la Vie à la Ferme, nous avions reçu une véritable star, une certaine HD 7970 Matrix Platinum. Cette étoile filante nous avait subjuguée par sa plastique de rêve et ses performances stratosphériques. Mais voilà, on se situait tout de même dans un marché de niche, celui de la carte graphique très haut de gamme, il nous ait donc paru pertinent de tester une HD 7970 plus accessible, la HD 7970 DCU II d’Asus. La carte diffère sur certains points de la fameuse version Matrix, mais on retrouve un PCB maison et un refroidissement imposant.
Graphic cards
Avec la GTX 670 OC, nous avons une GTX 670 sous hormone. Ne vous inquiétez pas, il n’y a point de contrôle antidopage au sein de votre unité centrale. Les seuls juges seront les benchmarks et les fps in Game, eux se réjouiront des performances en plus. Nous retrouvons donc une carte revue par Gigabyte, avec tout le savoir faire qui caractérise le constructeur ; vous l’aurez compris, il y a un nouveau PCB et un refroidissement maison. Cette GTX 670 OC devrait s’approcher de sa grande sœur la GTX 680 et sans doute distancer parfois la HD 7970.
Graphic cards
Not too long ago we heard the announcement that AMD were to bring out a new 7000 series card that would fill in a gap in their product line-up to take on NVIDIA's 650Ti GPU. This card is of course the 7790 and goes by the code name "Bonaire". Like we saw way back when the 6790 was released, the 7790 fills the void between the entry level 7770 and the midrange 7850 which is a slightly larger gap than some may think in terms of performance.
Graphic cards
Almost a week ago we spoke about the summer period and how it was just around the corner but we were actually a bit off and so while taking a stroll at the beach this morning to clear my head not only did i see many people there as well but most of them weren't there to take a stroll like me (some obviously did) but actually swim and play volley and rackets while listening to music. To my surprise however most people used just the speakers from their smartphones to do that while only a couple did actually use wired portable speakers and not wireless ones. Things got even worse when i realized that i knew one of the people there so when i asked why he was using his iPhone to play to music without an extra speaker he wasn't actually aware about the existence of Bluetooth portable speakers. Now i don't know if this has to do with the job description people have (he happens to be a doctor) but portable Bluetooth speakers have been around for many years so that's not an answer i would expect from anyone. Anyways that's also a reason as to why we will be releasing our portable Bluetooth speaker related reviews a bit faster than we had initially planned and so today we present the latest arion portable bluetooth speaker by Eagle Tech.
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