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CPUs like the i7-3960X sit at the top of Intel's product stack and if we are looking to build a top of the range system based around that CPU we need a quality board to maximise our features and performance. ASRock aim to deliver this with their X79 Extreme9 and today it is on our test bench as we put it through a selection of real world and synthetic tests. Can it offer as much as the newer Z77 boards, or maybe even more? Let's find out.
Intels Maho-Bay-Plattform ist bereits seit Anfang April in Form der neusten Mainboards auf Basis des LGA1155 samt dem Z77-PCH verfügbar und stellt die optimale Unterlage für die Ivy-Bridge-Prozessoren dar. Inzwischen finden sich eine große Auswahl an entsprechenden Hauptplatinen in den (virtuellen) Regalen der Händler. Eines der wohl interessantesten Modelle dürfte Gigabytes GA-Z77X-UD5H-WB WiFi sein, das mit einer enorm umfangreichen Ausstattung und vielen Features punkten soll. Wie sich das augenscheinlich potente Board in unserem Test schlägt, zeigen wir in diesem Artikel.
Den Anfang im Rahmen der Serie macht das das ASRock Z77 Extreme4 Mainboard. Die Platine bietet zwei PEG Ports, die mit jeweils 8 Lanes angebunden sind, zwei PCIe 1x sowie zwei PCI-Slots. Zusätzlich setzt ASRock auf insgesamt 8 SATA Ports, wobei vier dem SATA 3 Standard entsprechen. Für USB3-Geräte gibt es sechs Anschlüsse, wobei zwei Anschlüsse nur über einen USB3-Header zugänglich sind.
Die weiteren Ausstattungsdetails des Boards umfassen GB-Lan, 7.1 HD-Audio sowie ein VGA-, ein HDMI- und ein DVI-Ausgang für die integrierte Grafikeinheit.
ECS has a long standing of being an excellent OEM but when it comes to enthusiasts it’s not really a name we here brought up very often due to its die hard allegiance to the basic OEM style products the community has grown so used to. This is not necessarily a bad thing or is it?
With the successor to theZ68AP-D3 in our hands, can a budget board rival the extremeZ77 boards on the market?
The Z77H2-AX Motherboard from ECS has gold accents all over the place, comes with a clean design and the offered hardware bundle should be enough for most users; regarding the software which ships with it, most is in trial version mode and we would have preferred to see more which could have added value to the product like THX TruStudio Pro. The UEFI interface can be used with ease, except the RAM section, which is more difficult to use compared to the one found on ASRock motherboards.
With a huge stack of Z77 boardsin our labs, the Z77A-GD65 from MSI is next on our testbench.
The ASRock Z77 Professional is a high-end socket 1155 motherboard targeted to the "Ivy Bridge" processors (third-generation Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors). Let's see what the ASRock Z77 Professional has to offer.
We received an email today from an industry source who claimed that the Gigabyte Z77X-US5H had V-Core problems. The claims were made that this would hinder overclocking and perhaps even potentially reduce reliability long term.
We look at the first ROG based Intel Z77 motherboard from ASUS, the Maximus V GENE. Let's find out how it performs.
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