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I'm quite a fan of the Fusion platform; I've built myself a really nice little HTPC for my room based around the AMD Brazos platform using the wonderful ASUS E35M1-I Deluxe Motherboard. Today we see the next level of Fusion, introduced to us in the form of the Llano platform and the Lynx APU. The Llano platform is what AMD hope will become the mainstream platform to use; based on what we saw from the Brazos platform we have to say that there's a good chance they're heading in the right direction.
The wait is over, AMD has officially lifted the embargo on the new desktop version of Llano. Everybody was impressed with the mobile versions of the AMD A8 series of APU's, but will they hold up against the stiff competition in the desktop world? Join us as we take a look at the performance of our first Socket FM1 APU motherboard the ASUS F1A75-M Pro!
A couple of weeks back, AMD released the notebook portion of their Llano platform, dubbed ‘Sabine’, which we explained in detail over here. This left many people wondering when the desktop variant of Llano would be released, and how it would perform compared to the latest offerings from Intel.
Der aktuelle Z68 Chipsatz soll den älteren P67 als Standard ablösen und so endlich Vertrauen in die neue Generation bringen. Wir haben uns einmögliches Modell angesehen, welches für frische Kunden wirbt, das ASRock Z68 Extreme4. Getestet haben wir das Board mit einem Core i5 2500K.
Bereits im Jahre 2001 ist die Redaktion ocinside.de der Frage nachgegangen, welcher CPU Kühler für welches Mainboard verwendet werden kann. Mit der interaktiven Fit for Fan Anleitung kann man genau das mit wenigen Klicks rausfinden, indem man den gewünschten CPU-Kühler virtuell auf dem ausgewählten Mainboard anprobiert. Die Interaktive Fit for Fan Anleitung ist eine komplette Neuentwicklung, mit der man bereits einige AMD Sockel AM3/AM3+, Sockel AM2/AM2+, Sockel 939, Sockel 754 und sogar alte Sockel A Mainboards und Kühler aufeinander abstimmen kann.
Zudem kann man nach der Kühler und Mainboard Auswahl direkt einen Testbericht dazu aufrufen und den aktuellen Preis abfragen. Weitere Mainboards und CPU-Kühler werden nach und nach ergänzt. Na dann viel Vergnügen beim virtuellen Anprobieren des Kühlers auf dem Mainboard.
MSI has had an interesting couple of years. During CES 2010 we saw them show off their new line of Big Bang motherboards with Lucid Logix's Hydra chips on them. Unfortunately we saw this demo stutter through 3DMark Vantage. They were able to recover from that and managed to put out a few good boards with this package in them. We took a look at a couple of them here on TweakTown (and will probably look at more to come).
In this review we will be looking at the Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5 which is a mid-level motherboard supporting the latest AM3+ processors. As the name indicates the board is based on the new AMD 990FX chipset. The new chipset is designed to support the new AMD FX "bulldozer" processors along with NVidia SLI.
The Intel Q67 chipset is targeted to the enterprise segment, i.e., desktop computers inside a big corporation. It is basically an H67 chipset with remote management and security technologies, allowing system and network administrators to manage and maintain the computers inside the company remotely, significantly lowering maintenance costs and decreasing the time required to fix and update the computers. Let's see the features brought by the ASUS P8Q67-M DO/CSM motherboard.
Z68 has been on the market for quite some time, but not everyone is keen to jump onto the new platform due to its price and somewhat unneeded features. Obviously a lot of users will make use of the fantastic features that it has to offer, but others feel that paying for functionality that they don't want or need is a pointless exercise.
The latest to market with a board which is a little different to the norm is ASUS with their Maximus IV Gene-Z and today we will be putting this SLI and Crossfire compatible M-ATX enthusiast board through its paces in a selection of real world and synthetic tests to find out if it can match an ATX alternative from one of ASUS key competitors.
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