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Im Bereich des Modding hat sich in den letzten Jahren sehr viel getan. So arbeitet die Szene immer professioneller, aber auch den handwerklich eher nicht so begabten Anwendern, oder auch denen die wenig Zeit haben, stellt die Industrie mittlerweile viele kleine nützliche Dinge zur Verfügung, mit denen der heimische Rechner leicht aufgewertet werden kann. Dazu zählen neben den bereits in verschiedenen Varianten gezeigten gesleevten Kabel auch diverse Beleuchtungselemente. Mussten früher die LED noch per Hand verlötet und auf Platinen untergebracht werden, bietet der Markt aktuell fertig verarbeitete "Bänder" an, die nur noch mit Strom versorgt werden müssen. Diese sogenannten LED-FlexLights gibt es in diversen Farben und Längen und auch RGB-Versionen mit Fernbedienung sind erhältlich. In diesem kurzen Review wollen wir die Beleuchtungselemente von Phobya genauer unter die Lupe nehmen. Was dabei herausgekommen ist, erfahrt ihr auf den folgenden Seiten.
"Generally the higher performance mobile systems have a significant power requirement and in order to satisfy this many manufacturers bundle a 100w+ PSU, often referred to as a "power brick" due to the size and weight of the unit. It doesn't have to be like that though and one company looking to offer a desirable alternative to the standard "brick" that we receive with powerful mobile systems is Cooler Master with their Universal Laptop Charger range."
For those of you that closely follow what I write about, you will likely remember the BitFenix Alchemy Cables we took a look at in early September. When I took at look at pretty much one of every cable extension they offer, my findings then were that I really liked the coverings choice with the blend of cloth fibers versus the plastic braided offerings available to DIY types or even in other pre-assembles cables. Factoring in the pricing and considering I shelled out $40 for a 6" custom 24-pin alone, BitFenix had the total package and I didn't even cover the seven color choices in the covering to go with any sort of color scheme.
Mit dem WD TV Live landete der amerikanische Hersteller Western Digital im Jahr 2009 einen großen Erfolg. Der Player surfte damals auf der ersten Erfolgswelle der kleinen Universal-Abspielgeräte und verkaufte sich hervorragend. Im Jahr 2011 angekommen, legt Western Digital den Erfolgsplayer komplett neu auf. Im neuen Gewand, mit neuer Soft- und Hardware aber gleichem Namen soll die aktuelle Revison an goldene Zeiten anknüpfen.
Installing a socket FM1 AMD A8-series processor into a motherboard is not too difficult, unless you've never done anything like this before and in that case a little guidance is called for. Here at PCSTATS we've had our share of troubles with computer hardware and received a good deal of questions from readers who aren't entirely confident they can install an AMD CPU into a fresh motherboard. We thought we'd run off a quick DIY Guide illustrating the procedure for installing a socket FM1 AMD processor for the benefit of our readers.
Sometime ago we reviewed the WDTV which is a great product, but as with everything in technology field products evolve. The next product in the evolution of the Western Digital TV series is the WD TV Live Hub and we have reviewed it for you here.
AC Ryan have been at the forefront of easy to use, compact media streaming devices in 2011 and today we are looking at their latest VEOLO Android Media Streamer. This product is a ‘smart android hub’ which is sold as a complete entertainment experience. AC Ryan also promise a low power draw, so it could be an economical solution to reduce your energy footprint.
Ninjalane Podcast - In this episode we talk about the HWBot Country Cup 2011 and how it relates to US overclockers and volley over some of the best games we have played this year and a few we can't wait to try.
This article documents the process of choosing components for the new Windows Home Server 2011 box, from the low wattage Intel CPU, through the motherboard, PSU, memory and drives before looking at the setup process and how the OS looks and works in day to day use.
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