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Stanley FatMax LEDLISL and HIDLISL Lithium-Ion LED/HID Spotlight Review @ ModSynergy.com
Deutschland muss sich vor der EU rechtfertigen, eine Richtlinie zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung nicht umgesetzt zu haben. Seit der Erklärung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zur bis dato geltenden Umsetzung steht eine Neufassung hierzulande aus. Mittlerweile wurde ein EU-Verfahren gegen Deutschland eingeleitet. Den Dialog mit der EU will die Bundesregierung allerdings nicht veröffentlichen. Warum?
Most people reading this would either have seen or know someone who owns a set of Russian matryoshka dolls. For those of you who don't know, they are the dolls that come in different sizes and stack into each other. Looking at these dolls on paper, you wouldn't think they would turn into a fantastic game concept, but the team at Double Fine have managed to produce one of the most unique and interesting games on the Xbox Live Arcade service by using these very dolls. Stacking is an adventure puzzle game that reminds us that in a world dominated by shooting games, there is still room for creativity.
In today's short article, we'll have a look at the effect of just one memory timing, the Back-to-Back Cas Delay timing, which seems to be one of the more important timings both performance and stability-wise. If you're looking for a solution for your high-frequency capable memory kit, performance increase with low-frequency memory or stabilizing high BCLK/high memory ... this is something for you.
Most people are very happy with their monitors and the colors they see, but then again most people use only one monitor. I’ve got a three monitor setup and I can see the differences between the colors of the monitors, taking a picture from one monitor to the other can reveal sometimes drastic color differences. It bothers me and I was looking into getting some sort of color calibration device, but luckily Datacolor sent me over their new Spyer3Express for review. The Spyder3Express will automatically adjust the colors of your monitor to what they should be, I was amazed at the difference before and after calibration, I knew something was funky, but the Spyder3Express fixed it for me quickly and easily.
This year, the first day of spring fell on March 20th, and for those in the Midwest that means that Tornado season has started. The season has started off slow so far, but dozens of tornadoes have already touched down and more are surely coming. It was around this time that we realized that we have prepared our computers for a power outage, but we weren't prepped for a long term power outage. Read on as we take a look at some LED lights that are perfect for emergencies.
Dank immer schnellerer Internet- und Netzwerk-Geschwindigkeiten eröffnen sich dem Nutzer auch differenziertere Anwendungsgebiete. Eines davon deckt die SpotCam ab, welche ein Videosignal ins Internet sendet, so dass der User diese von überall einsehen kann. Ob uns die IP-Kamera, die zu einem Preis von 179 Euro angeboten wird, überzeugen konnte, seht ihr in unserem heutigen Videotest.
After months of torture in Engineering class, I often find it hard to believe that I am finally done with this term. For the last few days, I 'slept in' until 7:00AM, and tried hard to lose the weird food addictions I had during final exams.
If you are in need of an external card reader/USB hub combo and don't want to spend a lot of money, Spire's CombiPod fits the bill perfectly. It is small, durable, compatible with just about any memory card, and best of all it works exactly as it should.
Die Firma Spire hat im IT-Bereich neben den typischen Sparten wie Gehäusen, Netzteilen und Kühlern eben auch praktische Helferlein im Produktsortiment zu bieten und befindet sich in Preis-Bereichen zwischen Low-Budget und Midrange. Das PowerBank 4000 ist ein mobiler Akku mit dem sich nicht nur gängige Smartphones eine Extraportion Strom genehmigen lassen können, sondern alle Geräte die mit einer Ausgangsspannung von 5 Volt und einer Stromstärke von 1 Ampere zufrieden sind. Das kann ein Navigationsgerät, eine PSP, ein PDA, ein MP3-Player wie z.B. ein iPod sein oder andere ähnliche Geräte. Für den Anschluss kommt das PowerPack mit verschiedenen Verbindungs-Adaptern daher um eine größtmögliche Anschlusskompatibilität bieten zu können….
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