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Computex simply wouldn’t be Computex if we didn’t keep track of just a bit of the beauty within. Between our site, and those posted on our sister site at The SSD Review entitled ‘Gorgeous Women of Computex 2013‘, we have a collection of over 100 photographs and videos of some of the most beautiful women at the event. Here’s looking at another great time in beautiful Taipei, Taiwan!
"BEAST, founded in 2005, was formed with the idea of creating a trusted identity that could be relied upon for gaming and also providing great support. Describing their computers as ‘beasts’ instead of just a rig, the company clearly has faith in their products using only the highest quality of components.
Today, we have one such beast here to take for a spin; the Breed Evo. It uses the new Intel i7/LGA1366 platform and incorporates a GTX 295, water-cooling, 1600MHZ DDR3 memory and a D0 stepping of the i7 920 processor. This along with all the other specifications make for impressive reading but can the Breed Evo produce a beast of a performance to warrant the high price tag and fend off the challenge of my own custom i7 rig? Let’s see what happens."
Für alle die ihren PC noch ruhiger haben wollen und sonst schon alles ausprobiert haben gibt es noch eine Möglichkeit: Gehäusedämmung. Barebonecenter.de widmen sich in einem Bericht der Gehäusedämmung von be quiet!
We don't normally dip our toesinto the audio world, but today we have a Bayan 7 dual SpeakDock by Bayan Audio in to review. Read on to discover whatwe thought of this unique speaker dock.
We can finally say that wireless networks are the standard for connecting computers now. Wireless network cards are for long a standard laptop built-in accessory. Almost all broadband routers – a peripheral that allows you to share your broadband Internet connection with several computers – come with an antenna for wireless networking, allowing the sharing of your Internet connection not only with computers connected to the router by cable, but also to those that have antennas for wireless network. With the popularization with wireless networks came also the increased number of users being hacked and their connection or even important data being watched and stolen. In this short tutorial we will teach you the basics of wireless networking security: how to upgrade the router firmware, how to enable encryption and making sure that you are using the correct kind of encryption.
Having a small mousepad that you can position close to your keyboard can help with your posture, but of course the Bakker Elkhuizen The Egg isn't a magic bullet that will solve or prevent all of your RSI issues.
How to back your Mac up with Apple's Time Machine.
Mit dem FiT300EB-I präsentiert AXUS (eine ASUS Tochter) mehr als nur einen HD-Wechselrahmen. Er ist eine Rarität, denn er bietet auch gleich eine integrierte RAID-Funktion, so dass selbst Anwender ohne RAID-Controller und ohne spezielle Vorkenntnisse sich in das Thema stürzen können.
In the ever increasing field of security, IP Cameras have come to play a major role. AXIS introduces a moderately priced IP camera that promises some of the features of the high end cameras without breaking the wallet.
Die mobile Datennutzung hat in den vergangenen Jahren große Fortschritte gemacht und überzeugt heutzutage nicht nur durch hohe Datenraten sondern auch durch günstige Tarife. Neben Smartphones mit UMTS/HSDPA kommen auch HSDPA Surfsticks immer häufiger an Notebooks, Netbooks oder auch stationären PCs zum Einsatz. Oft besitzt man nur eine SIM-Karte mit der Datenflatrate, möchte diese aber mit mehreren Geräten nutzen. Hierfür bieten u.a. die Netzbetreiber sogenannte Mobile Router an, die mehreren Geräten den Zugriff auf den HSDPA Zugang mittels WLAN ermöglichen. Wir sehen uns in diesem Review einen mobilen WLAN-Router aus dem Hause Aximcom an, der neben Surfsticks auch Smartphones für den Verbindungsaufbau nutzen kann.
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