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iBuyPower Paladin Z860 Gaming PC Test
After months of torture in Engineering class, I often find it hard to believe that I am finally done with this term. For the last few days, I 'slept in' until 7:00AM, and tried hard to lose the weird food addictions I had during final exams.
The portable DVD player we have for review from Geeks.com is the PDV-70X from Spectroniq which offers a 7" widescreen LCD display housed in an attractive silver body. It supports 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio, has a standard 480 x 234 resolution, supports DVD, VCD, CD and JPEG playback and advertises up to 2½ hours of power with the included rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack.
For this review I will be looking at a new product from possibly
one of the best-known names in the computer hardware business, akasa. The product I will be looking at is the akasa elite, a card reader with a
difference as it can also read sim cards and smart cards.
Enermax Revolution: Aufbruch in ein neues Technikzeitalter? [/TITLE] [DESC]Nur wenige Teststationen sind fähig, dieses Netzteil stark zu belasten. Wir testen wie gewohnt mit 10% Überlast durch unsere professionellen Gerätschaften, um zu sehen, ob das Revolution85+ seinen Mann steht. Und natürlich beurteilen wir auch, ob der Kostenfaktor gerechtfertigt ist.
If you want a prebuilt gaming rig built with experience and knowledge custom tailored right to your needs, CyberPower offer just that at a competitive price. Today we are going to look at the CyberPower Gamer Ultra Perseus, an AM3 Phenom II 720 powered rig complete with DDR3 RAM and the powerful ATI HD4870.
Things have been quiet on the cooling front since then but it seems that the Corsair engineers have been allowed to have a little fun, the result of which we have for review today. The Corsair Cooling ICE T30 is the most extreme memory cooler available, but just how high will it allow us to push modules, today we find out.
Der Begriff GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) Computing - also allgemeine Aufgaben vom Grafikchip statt vom Hauptprozessor berechnen zu lassen - taucht seit einiger Zeit immer häufiger auf, sobald es um Grafikkarten geht, auch hier auf Planet 3DNow! Versprochen werden von den Herstellern Leistungssteigerungen um bis zum Faktor 10. Wir zeigen heute auf Planet 3DNow! was GPGPU-Computing eigentlich ist, wie es funktioniert und worauf man als Programmierer achten muss. Dabei ist es uns gelungen, den vermutlich besten Mann für diese Aufgabe zu gewinnen, der momentan verfügbar ist: Gipsel, der bereits vor einigen Monaten in Eigenregie einen GPU-Client für das Distributed Computing Projekt Milkyway@home entwickelt hat. Der Artikel enthält sowohl grundlegende Betrachtungen für Einsteiger, wie auch detaillierte Struktur- und Codebetrachtungen, sodass sich auch fortgeschrittene CPU-Programmierer vermutlich nicht langweilen dürften.
Every year the worlds' PC makers and PC media flock to Computex in Taipei Taiwan to see the bleeding edge of technology unleashed. Intel, AMD, nVidia and ATI usually time their new product releases to coincide with the massive tech trade show, so it's always an exciting adventure. This year Gigabyte, a Tier One motherboard manufacturer, showcased three important additions to the PC marketplace. The first and foremost was Intel's new socket 1156 "Lynnfield" processor platform, based on the soon-to-be-released Intel P55 Express chipset. The Intel P55 Express is notable for a couple reasons, not the least of which is its support of both ATI Crossfire and nVidia SLI! Finally, a mainstream motherboard which accomodates both multi-videocard options!
The model being reviewed today is fully 120hz compliant, has full LED backlighting, it has Samsung's top of the line 55 inch LCD panel for their best color reproduction they have available. This should be an interesting review to see if the newer 120hz technology does work, or as with any first implementations, this could be deemed as an expensive trial run to iron out the bugs before the true home run hit is released the second year.
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