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A la Ferme, et vous l'avez tous vérifié plusieurs fois, nous nous faisons toujours une joie de jouer avec des configurations en Mini ITX. Dans notre dernier dossier à ce sujet, nous avions associé un Phenom II X6, une HD 5870 et un SSD pour des résultats déjà explosifs !!! Alors, que dire de notre nouvelle arme de destruction ATXement massive, qui se compose ni plus ni moins que de la crème de la crème avec un Core i7 2600K et une GTX 580...
Après avoir décortiqué toute la gamme de périphériques gaming Ozone, il ne nous manquait qu'un petit quelque chose pour que la boucle soit maintenant bouclée. C'est ainsi que nous avons reçu le Gaming Backpack, un sac à dos pour le joueur nomade, mais pas que.
Après avoir été notre apprenti tout le long de nos séances de bench, sera-t-il devenu le Maitre ?
NZXT's Sentry LXE is a unique and well-executed product that allows the PC enthusiast a wide range of monitoring and fan control options in an attractive remote unit. The fit and finish is excellent and the functionality is first-rate with an intuitive layout incorporated into the touch screen LCD display.
Ever since E3 2010 where NIntendo unveiled the first glasses-free 3D gaming system, the hype around the system has been nothing short of phenomenal. Recently released in Japan and coming soon to other regions in the world, there is little doubt that this is going to be a smashing success for Nintendo yet again, who after the Wii and Nintendo DS is on a serious roll.
A long time ago I reviewed a little product called the Box Office media player from Patriot, and I found it to be a very nice little product and so do many other people out there today. Patriot has updated the Box Office and renamed it to the PBO Core, the name is different and so is the interface. Everything has been updated overall, and that’s a good thing as it makes the entire experience that much more enjoyable.
The NZXT Sentry LXE is not your standard run-of-the-mill fan controller. Combining the ease of a touchscreen and the flexibility of having an external controller add to its appeal - and not having to bend down under the desk to change a setting is nice. The built-in clock and sleek design complete the package and will complement any work space.
With a unique physique, revolutionary remote and innovative feature set--promising no compromise local file playback alongside Internet content aggregation--no streamer has threatened to break into the Consumer Electronics (CE) mainstream like the Boxee Box. Based on Intel’s CE4100 system on a chip (SOC) the device is capable of hardware accelerated decode for many popular codecs, HD audio bit streaming and an x86 CPU capable of delivering a decent browsing experience. Anyone who followed the device’s launch knows that it could have gone smoother; having given the platform a few months to mature, now is a good time to dive in and see if it can make good on its potential.
There’s a lot of talk these days about folks wanting to cut down on their bills and configuring their homes to be able to watch TV without a cable subscription, or “cutting the cord” as it’s called, for a number of reasons. All which seem to be related to a feeling that maximum value is not being derived from a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription. The rise of new content delivery mechanisms utilizing the Internet also is contributing new options that supplement and, for some, rival traditional cable and satellite TV. For all you prospective cord-cutters, this guide will try to help you understand what options are available to watch TV without a cable subscription and how to go about implementing those options. This guide is primarily focused on the US market as there are differences in the availability of content on a per-country basis.
Innergie have created a line of products to tackle the issue of having a myriad of laptop chargers that are only compatible with a single device. With the mCube Lite, they have created a slim, stylish charger for charging laptops and USB devices.
Shuttle commercialise avec le SH67H3, un nouveau barebone XPC dédié à la plateforme Sandy Bridge d’Intel. Comme son nom l’indique, le SH67H3 s’appuie sur le chipset H67 Express d’Intel qui fournit les connectiques nécessaires à l’exploitation de l’IGP en plus de supporter le format socket LGA 1155 compatible avec les derniers Core i3/i5/i7, et jusqu’à 16 Go de mémoire DDR3 réparti sur quatre slots. Avoisinant les 290 euros et de par ses fonctions, le Shuttle XPC barebone SH67H3 ne se limite pas à un usage bureautique et semble satisfaire aux exigences d’une centrale multimédia de salon. Vérifions concrètement que Shuttle a su rester fidèle à sa réputation en proposant avec le SH67H3, un barebone capable d’allier performances, silence de fonctionnement et élégance.
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