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Today I'm going to talk about AC Ryan's PlayOn!HD2 media player. Just recently I took a look at KWorld's media player and this follows suit. One of the negative impressions I had with the KWorld player, however, was the UI. AC Ryan has not made the same mistake, believe me.
The best of 2011 in the tech industry, from Sandy Bridge to the HD 7970.
Fan controllers with digital displays are all the rage, but take a look at the next evolution from BitFenix in the Recon.
When it comes to reviews we often see graphics cards, motherboards, chassis and many other components come through the office, but it has been a while since we reviewed all of these things together, which is why today we will be taking a look at something a little special, a £899.00 custom built gaming rig from PC Specialist. PC Specialist have a rock solid reputation behind them, a quick google will find you literally thousands of five star consumer reviews, reports and generally lots of nice things to be said about the team that work there. This is of course a good thing as with any industry, reputation matters and its that reputation that grabbed our attention, we want to see what all the fuss is about!
For today’s review we will be looking at the D-Link Wi-Fi AC 750 portable router and charger – the SharePort Go III (DIR-510L). This multipurpose device allows users to share Internet connections whether they are 3G/4G, Wi-Fi or Ethernet-based.
With simultaneous dual band it provides uninterrupted performance using 5 GHz channel and transfer speeds of 300 or 433 MB/s.
But there’s more, as the Wi-Fi AC 750 also is a portable charger featuring a 4000 mA battery to replenish most mobile devices. If attaching a USB drive to this unit you can store and share media files using the free mydlink SharePort mobile app or through a web interface.
We all use computers, and with portable devices becoming the rage, whether it be tablet or notebook based, more and more people are going down the route of a portable solution. Also with prices dropping and technology moving forward in terms of features and speed, it seems the perfect opportunity to join the fold.
We are starting to see a number of ultra small systems updated with the latest AMD E-450 dual core APU which features CPU and GPU in one compact design. A front runner in this market is the latest ZBOX from ZOTAC, the AD04 Plus and we have one of the first samples on our review bench today.
We live in a word where media is at our fingertips, we can instantly stream and watch content with ease. With that many different media players have emerged to make this process much easier, especially in a living room setting. Today we are taking a look at not only a media player, but a full on Android box. Pivos says the XIOS is “The marriage between digital home entertainment and the powerful Android platform” and it really is. You can use it as a media player, you can download games to play on it, you can also use it to be productive. The options are really endless as there are so many applications available for the Android operating system. Read on as we take a look…
Auf der CeBIT 2012 Computermesse in Hannover gab es wieder einige interessante Produkte zu sehen.
Unser CeBIT 2012 Bericht zeigt auf den folgenden 10 Seiten mit ca. 150 Bildern einen kleinen Überblick zu neuen Produkten aus der IT-Branche.
Der Redaktion ocinside.de CeBIT Bericht 2012 Schwerpunkt liegt wieder bei der PC Hardware und zeigt einige neue Grafikkarten, Mainboards, Mini-PCs, Gehäuse, Kühler, Netzteile, SSD und Speichermodule.
Na dann wie immer viel Vergnügen beim Durchstöbern der neusten Trends.
Die Auswahl an Lüftersteuerungen auf dem Markt ist groß. Umso wichtiger ist es, für seine Radaubrüder die optimale Steuerung zu finden, die nicht nur funktional sondern auch noch optisch ansprechend ist. Viele Steuerungen beginnen mit der Spannungsregelung erst ab 7 Volt oder sehen aus, als hätte man sie aus einem 1990er Komplett-PC ausgebaut - hier bietet Scythe eine Alternative. Einigen hier wird Scythe bereits in Bezug auf sehr potente CPU Kühler ein Begriff sein. Doch neben Lüftern und Kühlern vertreibt Scythe auch Lüftersteuerungen, die definitiv einen Test bei OCinside.de wert sind. Deshalb präsentieren wir heute einen Testbericht der Scythe Kaze Master II 4-Kanal VFD Lüftersteuerung.
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