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Aerial warfare first became a major component of combat during the Second World War, amidst a transitional period in motorized flight that had only been created forty years prior. There had been mixed results in the previous World War, but the enormity of WWII pushed Nations to invest their best engineering into airborne combat operations. The fight was everywhere, but it was most efficient from the air above. Mad Catz captures this historical time in the flight simulation video game Damage Inc: Pacific Squadron WWII. Each collector's edition kit includes the popular Saitek Pacific AV8R FlightStick, imposing realistic flight controls into action for either simulation or arcade modes.
I put Dawnguard, Skyrims vampire infested DLC to the test.
At this point we can say this is the most frustrating, yet most rewarding game you will ever play.
Our friends over at sister site Cadred.org, have taken an in depth look at CS:GO for the eSports community
I take to the skies in MadCatz' latest game, Damage Inc. and also put their limited edition flight stick to the test.
There is no doubt that Tekken is one of the most well known fighting game franchises of all time. With roots stretching back as far as 1994s original arcade game the series was, for a large portion of its existence, a title associated with the PlayStation brand. Times have changed though and nowadays almost everything is multi-format and Tekken is no different, first hitting the XBOX 360 in 2009.
I Am Alive Survival-Spiele haben Konjunktur. Da passt es gut, dass Ubisoft nun mit „I Am Alive“ einen entsprechenden Titel von der Konsole auf den PC bringt. Wir klären, was das Ganze taugt.
When we last looked at F1 2012 in the preview build it was shaping up well, but limited in its available modes. With the full game now in place and new game modes, new tracks and drive enhancements can Codemasters continue to enhance the F1 gaming franchise?
In der dritten Erweiterung von Battlefield 3, will die Spieleschmiede DICE das Blut alter Battlefield-Veteranen aufkochen lassen: Mit neuen Panzerfahrzeugen und riesigen Schlachtfeldern sollen genau die Spieler auf ihre Kosten kommen, die mit Nahkämpfen wenig am Hut haben. Ob dies dem Entwicklerstudio gelingt und ob sich der Kauf von Armored Kill lohnt, klären wir in diesem Test.
Darksiders 2 is the second installment of Vigil Games action rpg series. The series is based around a unique take on the concept of the four horseman of the apocalypse. In the first game we followed War, who was framed for starting the apocalypse ahead of schedule, and throwing earth into chaos. This recent game happens alongside some of the events from the previous and centers around War’s brother Death.
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