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If you’ve played Mass Effect 1 & 2 and Heavy Rain, this game is another entry in what is becoming a collection of games that will one day be linked back as the foundation of the future of gaming. Mass Effect (and over similar RPGs where branching dialogue is prominent) offers the ability to choose how you wish a conversation to unfold; sometimes giving you lots of options, sometimes it’s just window dressing, but the chatting is the feature of the game you will remember after playing. In Heavy Rain you were taught to live with the decisions you made, and by the end you could be in one of any number of possible resolutions to the story; the motion-mimickry was prominent, but that feature is take it or leave it, wouldn’t matter.
Dungeon Siege 3 is the latest instalment in the Dungeon Siege series and is being released by Square ENIX and Obsidian. In it we return to the Kingdom of Ehb to find the 10th Legion destroyed by Jeyne Kassynder. The last surviving Legionnaire, The Venerable Odo (no relation to Star Trek), has protected the Legion's decedents for 30 years hoping that the time would become right to take back the Kingdom.
Nach „Red Tide“ ist mit „Assault Squad“ nun auch hierzulande mit einiger Verspätung das nächste „Men of War“-Addon verfügbar. Anders als beim Vorgänger liegt bei „Assault Squad“ ganz klar der Mehrspieler-Part im Fokus des Interesses. ComputerBase klärt im Test, was das Spiel auf dieser Basis zu bieten hat.
Portal 2 was a long awaited game for a lot of us with delays pushing it back further and further and within that slightly annoyed, highly anticipated group was an eager yet impatient me. I was one of those who pissed and moaned about things being pushed back further each time it seemed to get that little bit closer.
Wir erinnern uns an den 17. Oktober 2005 – an besagtem Tag erschien F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) in den Händlerregalen. So ziemlich jeder Shooter-Fan kaufte sich das Spiel, verdunkelte den Raum und setzte sich an den PC um zu schauen was das im Vorfeld gehypte Spiel so zu bieten hatte. Bis dahin gab es auf dem Markt zwar Horrorspiele oder Survival-Titel, aber ein Spiel mit Schockmomenten und Effekten, die regelrecht unter die Haut gehen und Gänsehaut erzeugen konnte kein Titel so wirklich bieten. Dunkle Korridore durch die man durch muss und die Batterie der Taschenlampe neigt sich dem Ende, furchteinflößende und schon fast animalische Geräusche aus dem Nichts, plötzlich auftauchende Schatten, die auch wieder schnell verschwinden – all das und viel mehr spendierten die Erfinder vom Horrorshooter, Monolith dem ersten Teil. Rund sechs Jahre später erscheint der dritte Teil des bekannten Horrorshooters. Ist er mindestens genauso gruselig? Welche Neuerungen erwarten uns? Das und vieles mehr klären wir in diesem Test.
When Nintendo launched the first Zelda on its Nintendo 64 system, little did they know the impact the game would have on the gaming world as a whole. Often referred to as one of the greatest games of all time and the best Zelda game ever made, the team at Nintendo hit gaming gold in 1998. Now, over 12 years later the game has returned, and on a different format to wow another generation of gamers and give those who loved the game back in the day a chance to play through it yet again with both updated graphics and also on the move.
F.E.A.R. has been a rather complex series to try and understand. We all know the creepy child like ALMA, a super charged, evil deity who is the figurehead of the franchise. We can recall Paxton Fettel and Point Man, two characters who featured in previous titles with special powers and heightened mental states. It gets more complex when we remember that Fettel and Point Man were brothers, and Fettel was killed by Point Man, but he didn’t actually die. Alma is their mother, and is pregnant now, with the very real possibility of giving birth to an evil beast, set to destroy the world as we know it.
Hearts of Iron III, the third installment of the "Hearts of Iron" series, is a comprehensive World War II strategy game that lets the player take command of any existent nation in the world between the years of 1936 to 1948.
Crysis 2 was released three months back to some disappointment. Despite a generally warm reception on the gameplay front, Crysis 2 was neither the eye-candy fest nor the graphics card stress test some were hoping for. If you recall, Crysis was the definitive real-world stress test back in its day. For quite some time after its release, even the most powerful systems struggled to run Crysis at maximum detail.
Auf „Dungeon Siege III“ steht zwar „Dungeon Siege“ drauf – doch ist es auch drin? Die Multi-Plattform-Auslegung verspricht jedenfalls vorab einige Veränderungen, die die altehrwürdige aber nicht unbedingt in höchsten Tönen gelobte RPG-Reihe in eine neue Richtung entwickeln könnte. ComputerBase klärt, was das neue Action-RPG von Obsedian und Square Enix zu bieten hat.
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