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Am 12. April 2011 entsprang das „Free-to-Play“-MMO „World of Tanks“ seinem seit Sommer 2010 andauernden Beta-Stadium und vermag seit dem immer mehr Spieler in seinen Bann zu ziehen. ComputerBase klärt im Rahmen eines umfassenden Tests, welche Inhalte und welches Konzept das Spiel zu bieten hat und welche Ansprüche es an den Spieler stellt.
Bethesda release the best DLC for New Vegas yet, a classic sci-fi extravaganza which will ASTOUND and possibly terrify... TERRIFY!
Crysis 2 est sorti au mois de mars 2011, et avait suscité dans un premier temps un grand enthousiasme. En effet, alors que les deux premiers opus avaient clairement annoncé la couleur en mettant à genoux n'importe quelle configuration d'époque, celui-ci changeait de background pour nous transporter dans la ville de New-York. Les inquiétudes nées de la démo se sont révélées fondées, avec un mode natif DX9 et un choix d'options graphiques proches du ridicule, et non customisables : il n'en fallait pas plus pour déclencher la colère des gamers PC, qui criaient à juste titre au portage console. Dans cette optique, et malgré les premières déclarations qui se voulaient rassurantes du boss Yerli Cevat, Crytek a bossé sur un patch DX11 parallèlement à un pack améliorant la qualité des textures. Grâ ;ce à l'excellent test de HFR, nous avons pu voir comment Nvidia et Crytek ont bossé main dans la main au détriment d'AMD, mais la situation étant quand même celle-ci et imposée aux joueurs, nous nous sommes plutôt penchés vers les performances, en tripotant CPU, GPU et même RAM. Comment optimiser son Crysis 2 ? Voilà la réponse !
What do you say about a sequel to a game that basically helped start the first person shooter craze? Duke Nukem is a PC sequel to a series that started in 1991, albeit 2 dimensional at the time. Duke Nukem made its transition to Duke Nukem 3D in 1996, introducing the role casted macho, wise cracking, and toilet humor character that a large fan base of pc game players came to love when it was released.
At its core F.E.A.R 3 is a modern day first person shooter so all of the key ingredients are here, the ability to carry multiple weapons, including two of the same type for dual handed attacks, we can zoom to target and health regenerates when we seek cover. Day 1 have however retained some of the key aspects of the original title which ensure that this feels like a F.E.A.R title, the main thing being the ability to slow time while attacking which allows us to target and attack multiple enemies more successfully in dangerous situations.
The game returns the original games protagonist the Point Man to the series as his absence was severely missed in the previous game.
The game takes place approximately 9 months after the events of F.E.A.R 2 where the ghostly apparition of Paxton Fettel has returned to assist the point man on a daring mission to locate the supernatural Alma before she can give birth.
For a few years now, motorsport based games have been the favourite of quite a few gamers. A few years ago CodeMasters released Colin McRae rally and the popularity of the game style quickly grew. CodeMasters relished from its success and ever since have been synonymously associated with a rally style experience.
Der neue „iCEnhancer 1.2“-Mod für GTA IV soll die Grafik des Open-World-Spiels auf ein weitaus höheres Niveau als beim Original heben – und das für weniger als drei Megabyte! Klingt unwahrscheinlich, doch wollen wir uns den Mod selber einmal anschauen. Neben einem Grafikvergleich achten wir auch auf die veränderten Hardwareanforderungen.
When Dirt 3 was released the developers pointed out that their advanced code took advantage of extra physical processing cores. Putting this to the test, we decided to investigate this further, by comparing an AMD quad-core and hex-core processor.
Until Resident Evil 4, the series maintained its single player status. However, it also maintained its status as one of the most popular video game franchises on numerous systems including the Nintendo 64, Playstation 2 and the original Playstation. With Resident Evil 4, Capcom changed the game (excuse the pun) and introduced multiplayer in what turned out to be a completely new and refreshing take for the series. This mode was present in the fifth iteration of the game and many believe it to be the better aspect of that game. When the 3DS was announced Capcom jumped on board almost right away announcing two Resident Evil games.
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