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There seems to be a major emphasis on killing an innumerable number of zombies in gaming today, but it's important that we don't ignore another threat: orcs. In Orcs Must Die!, you're provided with the right tools to kill hundreds, if not thousands, of these grunting annoyances. Go ahead, paint the town green.
It's been far too long since the world has seen the release of a top-rate Sonic game - so is it going to be Sonic Generations that finally delivers the classic Sonic gameplay and charm that fans are looking for? With its vibrant world, fast-paced gameplay, many secrets to find and a collection of throw-backs to past Sonic games - it just might be.
Before we begin looking at the game it is worth noting that The Missing Link isn't the first downloadable content for Deus EX, the Tactical Enhancement Pack and the Explosive Mission Pack, both of which were available with a pre-ordered copy of Human Revolution, are now available from Steam for the bargain price of £1.99 each.
heute, am 25.10.2011, erscheint Fall of Setarrif, das Addon zu Arcania: Gothic 4. PC Games Hardware hat sieben Grafikkarten von AMD und Nvidia durch die Gegend um Thorniara gescheucht, damit Sie wissen, ob Ihr Rechner dem Aufwand gewachsen ist.
Mit „Might & Magic Heroes VI“ schickt Ubisoft nach bald sechs Jahren Funkstille endlich ein neues „Heroes“ ins Rennen um die Gunst der Spieler. Dabei gilt mehr denn je, dass der stets schmale Grad zwischen Neuerungen und Altbewährtem gemeistert werden muss, um alle möglichen Ansprüchen an die altehrwürdige Reihe gerecht werden können. ComputerBase klärt im Test, ob dieses Unterfangen geglückt ist.
Mit „Fall of Setarrif“ ist seit kurzem das erste und wahrscheinliche letzte offizielle Addon zu „Gothic 4: Arcania“ erhältlich. ComputerBase klärt im Test, was die Stand-Alone-Erweiterung vor dem Hintergrund einer von Rechtsstreitigkeiten, einer Insolvenz und einer Übernahme geprägten Entwicklungszeit zu bieten hat.
At Benchmark reviews, we thought it might be interesting to offer a light hearted article on the new PC version FPS/RPG hybrid game RAGE, from id software, the creators of DOOM. I've played a lot of PC games since I started using computers. I'm not saying I'm a "gamer," because I'm not. But, I have a good feel for how games have matured since DOOM, which was my first PC game. I've been luke warm with the entire genre of FPSs, MMOGs, and RTSs for a long time, with few exceptions. RAGE is one of those exceptions. Aside from video driver troubles early on, RAGE has a lot to offer and seems like a game inside of a game, inside of a game. This isn't a review, but more of a personal musing on the game itself. So, take off your armor and come on in for some fun...
For months now anticipation has been building amongst first person shooter fanatics as the release of this year's two main military based games approached. Just two weeks apart Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 are being launched and it is fair to say that the proximity of the launches has had at least one of the developers scrambling to get their game out first.
Eidos have done it again. They've delivered us a great playing experience with the release of the new DLC for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The Missing Link is a full DLC that will happily give you an additional 4-5 hours worth of gameplay unlike the previous two DLC's that are just additional weapons and one mission.
Mit „Battlefield 3“ ist seit kurzem eines der mit am meisten Spannung erwarteten Spiele des Jahres erhältlich. Dabei soll der Ego-Shooter mit starken Multiplayer-Allüren aber nicht nur grundsätzlich überzeugen, sondern auch die langanhaltende Genre-Dominanz von „Call of Duty“ brechen. Wir klären im Test, was der Titel vor diesem Hintergrund inhaltlich und technisch zu bieten hat.
execution time : 0.057 sec