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It was only a couple of weeks ago that I dived into the kart racing world of F1 Stars, a massive spin off from the super serious world of Formula one from Codemasters. But I've got two karting games to review this month and I've been looking forward to finding out just which one will come out on top. As some of you may know, F1 Stars didn't favor too well in my review, it wasn't a bad game, but certainly nothing special. But the Little Big Planet franchise has a place in my heart, as a gamer I quickly became a fan of the first and second LBP games on the PS3. Their extensive customization options, multiplayer madness, creative levels and more make them some of my all time favourite games. All in all this means that LBP Karting has got a lot to live up to.
Als Sony die Little-Big-Planet-Serie erstmals vorstellte, gab es zu Beginn recht negatives Feedback. Es wirkte auf die meisten Betrachter wie ein Kinderspiel ohne konkrete Handlung mit eher anspruchslosem Gameplay. Jedoch wurde nach nur kurzer Zeit klar, dass es sich hier um etwas „Neues“ handelte. Damit kreierte Sony einen Plattform-übergreifenden Meilenstein, an denen sich heute noch eine große Anzahl an Spieler erfreut. Mit Little Big Planet – PS VITA will Sony den Erfolg auf dem hauseigenen Handheld fortsetzen. Ob das dem japanischen Branchen-Urgestein gelungen ist oder das Spiel an den Limitierungen der Handheld-Hardware scheitert, werden wir in diesem Bericht klären.
Light Of Altair is a game made by two people with a budget price tag of $15. We love independent titles on Gamingheaven because quite often they don’t suffer from restrictive publisher control and are free to explore radical ideas outside the confines of a big budget production. As SaintXi develop and publish the game is it able to offer something entertaining for the relatively modest asking price?
Prince of Persia seems to be taking over the world this week with the lauch of a new video game and movie. Today lead game reviewer Richard Lewis takes a look back at the title which started the franchise back in 1989.
When Traveller's Tales stumbled upon the idea of turning famous film series' such as Star Wars into LEGO games, little did they know just how popular and big they would be. It seems every six or so months a new LEGO game is coming out now, but as gamers we seem to not be able to get enough of them. They are perfect to play with the kids or a partner, and are genuinely funny for kids and adults alike. The fact the movie studios are allowing their famous brands to be parodied in such a way is a credit to them and they are reaping the rewards with the games raising the profile of those franchises even further and introducing a new generation to them. It's no surprise that the LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean game continues this tradition.
The best Lego game we have played so far, but does that make it good?
Left4Dead was one of the most successful multiplayer games in recent years so it made sense for Valve to follow this up with a sequel .... however a portion of the core audience felt it was a rash move to make one so quite so soon. Left4Dead2 we are happy to report however is a fantastic game and improves on the original in many ways.
Left 4 Dead 2, der Nachfolger des Zombie Shooters und Multiplayer Erfolgsspiels, Vollpreismod oder gelungenes Sequel? Wir klären die Frage in unserem Test.
From the same team who brought you Defence Of The Ancients, one of the best known and loved Warcraft 3 mods, comes their new title League Of Legends.
Crysis 2 est sorti au mois de mars 2011, et avait suscité dans un premier temps un grand enthousiasme. En effet, alors que les deux premiers opus avaient clairement annoncé la couleur en mettant à genoux n'importe quelle configuration d'époque, celui-ci changeait de background pour nous transporter dans la ville de New-York. Les inquiétudes nées de la démo se sont révélées fondées, avec un mode natif DX9 et un choix d'options graphiques proches du ridicule, et non customisables : il n'en fallait pas plus pour déclencher la colère des gamers PC, qui criaient à juste titre au portage console. Dans cette optique, et malgré les premières déclarations qui se voulaient rassurantes du boss Yerli Cevat, Crytek a bossé sur un patch DX11 parallèlement à un pack améliorant la qualité des textures. Grâ ;ce à l'excellent test de HFR, nous avons pu voir comment Nvidia et Crytek ont bossé main dans la main au détriment d'AMD, mais la situation étant quand même celle-ci et imposée aux joueurs, nous nous sommes plutôt penchés vers les performances, en tripotant CPU, GPU et même RAM. Comment optimiser son Crysis 2 ? Voilà la réponse !
execution time : 0.058 sec