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Jagged Alliance: Back in Action „Jagged Alliance 2“ gehört bis heute als Überraschungserfolg zu den großen Namen im Taktiksegment. ComputerBase klärt im Test, was der Nachfolger zu bieten hat.
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2034 und werden vom neuen Endzeit-Shooter Metro: Last Light abermals in den Moskauer Untergrund befördert. Dunkle und düstere Atmosphäre beherrscht das Spiel und der Kampf ums Überleben der Menschheit geht weiter. Ob es den Machern von 4A Games gelungen ist, an den Erfolg von Metro 2033 anknüpfen zu können, klärt unser heutiger Artikel.
As a hardcore Halo fan, I've been waiting a long time for this game to be released. Not only because is it the sequel to one of the biggest gaming franchises of all time, but also because its one of the few premium split screen multiplayer games on the market this generation.
As you may or may not know, the previous Halo titles were developed (for the most part) by now legendary developers Bungie, who over the last two console generations have shaped and crafted Halo into the historic gaming figure that it is today. It came as a shock to many fans of the series when Bungie announced their departure from the series and moved on to do their own thing for a while. In steps the Microsoft studio 343i to take charge of the Halo series and the question that was on everyone's lips "is it still going to be a true Halo game?" was more important that ever before.
Papo & Yo im Kurztest Mit „Papo & Yo“ ist ab heute auch für den PC ein ungewöhnlicherer Spieletitel erhältlich. Wir klären im Kurztest, was das Knobelspiel mit ernstem Hintergrund zu bieten hat.
Nach der herben Enttäuschung „FIFA 10“ schickt sich dieser Tage der 2010er-Vertreter der Reihe an, die vergrämten PC-Spieler zurück ins Boot zu holen. Aufgrund der katastrophalen Präsentation aus dem Vorjahr bedarf es dazu einiger handfester und vieler kleiner Änderungen und Verbesserungen. ComputerBase klärt, ob sich „FIFA“ für den PC in diesem Jahr endlich auf Konsolenniveau bewegt.
Zombies have long been a favourite of modern society and there is nothing I enjoy more than watching a George A. Romero horror film then heading online to frag with my buddies in Left4Dead. Today we look at a new game available on Steam from Tripwire Interactive called Killing Floor that was initially released as an Unreal Tournament 2004 mod almost four years ago.
Die Pro Evolution Soccer Reihe steht seit Jahren für absoluten Realismus im Fußball-Genre. Die letzten Auskopplungen ließen jedoch eine wirkliche Weiterentwicklung vermissen und so stagniert PES seit einigen Jahren. Mit Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 versucht Konami nun frischen Wind ins angestaubte Gameplay zu bringen
As well as supporting consoles to the death EA are also often in at the launch of new models and the PS Vita is no different with the latest incarnation of FIFA Football chosen as a launch day title. We last saw a FIFA title with the 2012 release on PS3 and found it to be one of the best versions yet so it will be interesting to see how much of that game makes it to the Vita and how the touch controls might change the gameplay.
It's not often we review an expansion pack but we make an exception when the new content is a standalone game which offers a largely different experience to the original. This is the case with Total War: Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai which is set during the 19th Century and explores the conflict between the Japanese Imperial throne and the last Shogunate.
Enter Electronic Symphony, the latest in the Lumines franchise, which brings falling block based gameplay to Sony's new handheld, the PS Vita. This isn't just a Tetris clone though; the developers have taken the basic concept and expanded it massively. Today we find out if they have managed to keep the same addictive style of play while bringing something new and fresh to the genre.
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