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Graphics, voice actors, music, game art, character design… so many elements make up video games. They retain components of movies and books while also allowing players to interact with a virtual world. There are so many directions developers can take games, making the story bigger, the action more intense, the characters more engaging.
It be a glorious day for many people around the world, and I'm not just talking about Christmas here. A game that many have been waiting for has finally arrived, from a galaxy far far away... Star Wars: The Old Republic. The game marks a pivotal moment for BioWare as its first MMORPG, so read on for our initial review.
Taking a look at Bastion, independent developer Supergiant Games 2011 indie classic for PC & Xbox.
For their sole PS Vita launch title Capcom have chosen to port Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom to Sony's new handheld and in the process enhance the game by adding touch controls.
Journey has no story. Well, not a story that we can write a paragraph about. The story boils down to this. A small human-like character needs to reach the top of a mountain. And that's it. It's one of Journey's great successes because it allows you to craft or wonder why the character is in the world they are in and why they need to reach that mountain top. Many gaming forums are already awash with theories as to what the "journey" actually represents, but it's likely to mean something different for everyone.
Another success of Journey is that it treats you like an adult. The game does not slam storyline into you with cut scene after cut scene, it's not a hugely scripted world and the tutorial is basically a few images on screen telling you what to do. No thirty minute tutorials, no look up and down. Just get into the world and enjoy it. It's a credit to the developers that it is very much a game you can pick up and play and just know what to do.
With the release of DMC: Devil May Cry, a reimagined take on the game universe, fast approaching Capcom are giving those unfamiliar with the series a chance to head back over a decade to the original, then through two sequels. With a HD makeover and bonus content as well as the special edition of DMC3: Dante's Awakening all on one disc, at a value price, this might just be the release to whittle away those Easter holiday hours.
Mit „UEFA Euro 2012“ präsentiert EA pünktlich im Vorfeld der Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2012 die einzige offizielle EM-Erweiterung. Wir klären, was das Addon zu bieten hat.
Es gibt wenig Spiele, die mit mehr Spannung erwartet wurden: Seit dem 15. Mai ist „Diablo 3“ nun erhältlich. ComputerBase klärt, was Blizzards neuestes Werk zu bieten hat.
Der Juni beginnt spieletechnisch mit einem Kracher: „Max Payne 3“ ist endlich auch für den PC erschienen. Wir klären im Test, was der dritte Teil der Serie zu bieten hat.
Mit „Spec Ops: The Line“ präsentiert die Berliner Spieleschmiede Yager einen Shooter, der zumindest inhaltlich aus der Reihe tanzen soll. Wir klären, was der Titel taugt.
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