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Although i may have assembled countless PCs in the years i was working as a PC technician (i still do just not as much since I only do it for myself and friends) one thing still continues to puzzle me and that's the reason behind the why people always place the keyboard and mouse last when they decide their new system configuration. Granted these are peripherals that people can swap at will whenever they feel like doing so but at the same time these are two devices that pretty much do the same as the wheel and gear changer inside a car so it's always good to spend money on them if you can (even though your real life doesn't depend on them). Mechanical keyboards are still in their infancy compared to the "classic" membrane ones but they have won the hearts of both gamers and professionals all around the world due to their superior durability, tactile and audio feedback and today we're going to be testing the Lobera Spectrum RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard by our friends over at Tesoro.
Tesoro are back on eTeknix once again! While we looked at their gorgeous new Lobera Spectrum recently, today we take a look at something a little further up the range, the new Excalibur Spectrum. RGB keyboards are all the rage recently, they’re often still the same keyboard they were last year in terms of performance and features, with the new addition of some funky lighting effects; no bad thing for those who love to customise their setup.
There are so many companies that make mechanical keyboards these days that I would completely forgive you for not knowing who Epicgear is. Unlike a lot of those companies though Epicgear is actually an offshoot from GeIL, just about anyone who has shopped for parts for a budget gaming PC will know them. You see, GeIL it known for making gaming focused RAM that is typically found at a good price as well. So when I was talking to a friend over at Massdrop about upcoming deals and they mentioned sending over the Epicgear Dezimator X I was interested. So today I’m going to find out what the Dezimator X is all about and find out if it follows in the footsteps of its parent company in being a gaming focused product for people on a budget.
Turtle Beach is one of the most instantly recognisable brands in the gaming market. They’ve continued to produce award-winning high-end products year after year, even landing some of the best budget friendly models in the PC and console gaming sectors. Today though, we’re looking higher up the range, right at the very top in fact, with their new flagship Xbox One gaming headset, the Elite 800X.
Als Func uns die MS-3 zur Verfügung stellte, waren wir von den wuchtigen Ausmaßen zunächst überrascht. Doch im Laufe des Testzeitraums konnten wir uns an den Nager gewöhnen und Func verbesserte die Maus sogar. Während der Nachfolger MS-3² die ungewöhnlich breite Form beibehält, ließ der junge Hersteller wieder in Zusammenarbeit professioneller Computerspieler ein schmaleres Eingabegerät entwickeln, welches zudem auch einen günstigeren Einstand in die Markenwelt von Func ermöglichen soll. Das Produktportfolio wurde seit unserem letzten Test (der MS-3) um weitere Produkte ergänzt und so kann der Kunde nun die wichtigsten Peripheriegeräte zum Computerspielen von einem Hersteller beziehen: Kopfhörer, Tastatur und Maus.
Die hier getestete MS-2 kommt zu einem Preis von unter 40 Euro auf den Schreibtisch und bietet neben der schlankeren Taille nahezu sämtliche Funktionen der MS-3. Lediglich beim Sensor und dem beleuchteten Instant-AIM Knopf muss der Kunde Abstriche machen. Über diese Details hinaus bietet der günstigere Ableger dieselben Qualitäten wie die größeren Geschwister: ein zwei Meter langes, ummanteltes und mit vergoldetem Stecker ausgestattetem Anschlusskabel, sowie die SoftTouch Oberfläche. Der optische Sensor stammt von Avago und übersetzt auch Beschleunigungen bis zu 200 m/s² zielsicher auf den Bildschirm. Gleitfüße aus Teflon, sowie die Möglichkeit jeder Taste eine andere Funktion zuweisen zu können sind ebenso selbstverständlich, wie der 512 KB große Speicher, der hier die Ablage von drei Profilen in der Maus möglich macht. Wie gut sich die MS-2 in unseren Tests beweisen konnte, erfahrt ihr auf den folgenden Seiten.
With mechanical keyboards coming back in popularity the need/demand for wrist rests has been rising as well. A while back I covered the Grifiti wrist rests that I had picked up for myself. While I have enjoyed them as I mentioned in their coverage they aren’t exactly designed to hold up. As mine has gone downhill I have been keeping my eye on other wrist rest designs looking for something that would work well for me. One of the designs that stood out to me was the custom made leather Noko wrist rests. I saw their drop on Massdrop and then later explored the gallery of custom designs on their website. Lucky enough they were about to start a drop with Massdrop and were interested in us checking one of the TKL wrist rests they would be doing in the drop.
Le test du jour sera rapide. En effet, il est question aujourd’hui d’une souris que vous connaissez déjà puisqu’elle a déjà fait l’objet d’un test dans nos colonnes. Le problème, enfin dans les faits, ce n’est pas un problème, c’est que cette souris existe en plusieurs versions. Nous avions eu sous les doigts une Argon Ocelote World, version mise en avant par Carlos Rodriguez. En un mot, une bonne souris dont le rapport qualité-prix était excellent, comme souvent chez Ozone. De fait, voici venir aujourd’hui l’Argon tout court. Ce modèle ne révolutionne clairement pas l’Ocelote World, mais apporte quelques petites spécificités techniques supplémentaires.
TteSports are back on eTeknix once again, this time with their latest gaming mouse, the rather unique looking Ventus X. The Ventus is tuned for gaming performance and comes with a bunch of funky features that will help you dominate in the digital battlefield of choice, but we’ll get to taking a closer look at those in a few moments.
Mit der V700 hat VPRO bereits eine Gaming-Tastatur im Aufgebot, nun folgt mit der V800 ein weiteres Modell, dass ein paar kleine Änderungen im Vergleich zum Erstwerk aufweist. Rapoo hat der Tastatur ein etwas anderes Design verpasst und zusätzlich eine vollwertige Hintergrundbeleuchtung eingebaut. Anfang Januar konnten wir das Keyboard bereits in einem ersten Hands-On bei Rapoo präsentieren. Soll klargestellt werden, welchen Eindruck zweite Gaming-Keyboard von VPRO vermittelt und ob es die Schwachstellen der V700 ausmerzen kann.
With Corsair locking in an exclusivity deal on the Cherry RGB key switches for their first year and in general with Cherry switches being on backorder sometimes over a year out it’s no surprise that a lot of the manufactures have been reaching out to other options. Razer uses an MX style knockoff with their specifications, SteelSeries introduced their QS1 switch with their new mechanical keyboard, and Logitech actually introduced their new Romer G switches all the way back in September of last year. Well the G910 that houses the Romer G switches has been extremely popular and only a few weeks ago did we finally get one in to test out. I loved the G710+ but with the G910 changing everything from the ground up I really have no idea what to expect. That said I’m excited to see how the new switches perform and find out if the new design is a good as the changes they have made in their mouse lineup have been.
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