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We have looked at the high end SP2500 model previously and today we follow that up with a detailed evaluation of the mid-range SP2200 2.1 desktop speaker system. Rated for a constant 46 Watts RMS, featuring a compact subwoofer and priced at a level that is sure to draw in consumers it should make for a very interesting product.
Kleine Boxensysteme sind ein Dauerbrenner bei der PC-Peripherie. Gerade in Zeiten von Netbook, Ultrabook und Co. suchen viele Kunden zuhause wieder hochwertigen Stereo-Sound in Form eines 2.1-Systems. Corsair wagt sich nun auch in diesen Markt und bietet das SP2200 an, welches durch 46 Watt RMS-Leistung und zwei zusätzliche Eingänge überzeugen soll. Allerdings klappt das nur bedingt!
Today we check out Corsair's M45 gaming mouse. Read our review to find out what Chad thought of it and if it should go on your wish list or not.
Corsair is one of the best-known brands in the business, countless gamers flock to them for the latest power supplies, chassis, water coolers, memory products and more. They’ve built a sock solid reputation with the gaming and system building communities thanks to their high-end performance and build quality. The same can be said for their peripheral ranges, which cover gaming mice, headsets, keyboards (both mechanical and membrane) and no doubt a few other little gadgets for the desktop. We’ve reviewed a few Corsair peripherals over the years and time and time again they’ve impressed us with their features, quality and performance, so I’m hoping for a similar performance from the Corsair Raptor M45 gaming mouse.
Mit der M30 hatten wir bereits das Einsteigermodell von Corsair im Test. Nun ist es Zeit, sich in eine höhere Klasse zu begeben, und damit fällt der Blick auf die Raptor M40. Was Corsair anders oder gar besser macht, wird dieser Test zeigen.
Corsair acquired Raptor Gaming last year in a deal that made quite a few in the European market quite happy. Raptor Gaming was known for their quality gaming peripherals, and the deal meant that Corsair would be adding their expertise to the mix as well. With the release of the new Corsair Raptor line of gaming products, today we will be examining the Corsair Raptor M40 gaming mouse. It is a mid-range mouse (~$45) that appears to pack quite a punch for the price point, and definitely has the build quality expected from Corsair. In this article Benchmark Reviews will take a look at the Raptor M40 and let you know if it is a true gaming beast worthy of its name!
Mit der Übernahme von Raptor Gaming hat Corsair sein Interesse am Gaming-Segment untermauert. Seitdem tragen die Produkte für Spieler den Zusatz Raptor. So auch die Raptor M30, welche als Gaming-Maus für den Einsteiger-Bereich gedacht ist. Ob der Nager hier auch überzeugen kann, dass werden die nachfolgenden Seiten unseres Tests zeigen.
Der Hardware- und Peripheriehersteller Corsair bietet seit längerer Zeit ein breit gefächertes Angebot an Mäusen in verschiedenen Preiskategorien an. Mit der Raptor M30 wurde nun ein neuer Nager der unteren Mittelklasse auf den Markt gebracht, der sich besonders an Gelegenheitsspieler mit begrenztem Budget richten soll, welche eine schlichte, aber dennoch hochwertige Maus suchen. Ob diese Suche mit der Raptor M30 beendet ist, erfahrt ihr im Test.
Today Kaeyi Dream takes a look at the latest Corsair Raptor gaming mice the M30 and M40. Corsair acquired Raptor Gaming last year, and we can see the influences of both Raptor and Corsair design and technology.
Quest’oggi lo Staff di Xtremehardware.com è lieta di presentarvi la recensione sul Corsair Raptor M30, un mouse da gaming di tipo ottico con una spiccata propensione ai giochi di tipo FPS. Dopo l’acquisizione da parte di Corsair del brand europeo Raptor Gaming, il catalogo di Corsair è stato ampliato con nuove periferiche da gaming quali tastiere, mouse ed headset, tutti prodotti curati nei minimi dettagli e dotati delle ultime tecnologie. Il mouse ottico Raptor M30 è uno di questi e vedremo nel corso di questa recensione come si comporterà.
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