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für alle Fans von Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 hat Logitech jetzt sowohl eine spezielle Tastatur als auch eine Maus im Angebot. Wir haben die Kombi aus G105 und G9x Probe gespielt und überprüft, ob Sie die Feinde in Modern Warfare 3 mit diesen Eingabegeräten wirklich besser auf's Korn nehmen können.
Today we are going to look at Corsair’s high end gaming mouse, the Vengeance M90 which is designed with MMO gamers in mind. This means it should make the perfect companion to the Vengeance K90 gaming keyboard that we reviewed recently.
I briefly mentioned the adapted sensors, but to add to that, there is also a bit of software to add some really cool functionality to what is already an impressive mouse to use. With the software in action you can create custom game profiles with various bindings to the buttons, you can add macros and you can swap the right and left handed controls because their mice are ambidextrous in design. The sensor itself is made to be more accurate with less DPI/CPI. Where most companies offer 6000+ DPI sensors and a mouse with added weight that feels like pushing a brick, SteelSeries goes for light, lean and accurate to give you the edge in competitive or armature level gaming, for a good price.
Today we are going to be looking at the Kana in the black and orange variation. There is also a white variant, but I do believe it is this black on orange combination that won the Facebook competition for the user's pick of best looking combination. There is a lot that this middle child of the smaller Kinzu, which we will see real soon and the larger Sensei mice. I've taken the pictures, I've played many hours of FPS games and used it daily - stick around and see what I think about the SteelSeries Kana Black 1.1 gaming mouse.
Roccat, a name that may be unfamiliar to some, brings us an aggressive "Max Customization" gaming mouse with a 6000 dpi laser, 4 adjustable weights, and support for 22 macros in its onboard memory, this mouse might be the best gaming mouse available. Read on to see what this $80 gaming mouse is all about!
Steelseries has a vast array of MMO and Game orientat ed mice on the market with this latest MMO offering being geared towards players and fans of WoW with a custom UI and paintjob the WoW Legendary edition aims high in terms of features and customization. So let’s see how well this offering from Steelseries performs.
Oui, à la Ferme, nous sommes des purs produits geeks, donc nous n’avons pas suivi un cursus de communication. Cela peut expliquer nos titres…qui ne ressemblent pas à des titres. Enfin, bon, nous ferons donc avec. Aujourd’hui donc, il est question d’un petit clavier tout petit et très compact, vraiment très compact. Et aussi, le dernier de notre série gracieusement prêté par Attarian que nous remercions toujours au passage. Son petit nom est le KBC Poker, son objectif principal est d’être ni plus ni moins qu’un clavier mécanique portable au regard de sa taille. Bien évidemment, nous allons nous pencher sur une éventuelle atteinte de l’objectif ou pas.
Today we are lucky enough to get our hands on a set of the new SteelSeries Fnatic 7H headphones. Team Fnatic are considered one of the top ranked professional gaming teams on the planet. The fact that members of team Fnatic are involved in the design of this headset should raise the anticipation level of any gamer that may be considering a new headphone purchase.
With online gaming for consoles becoming more and more popular it is increasingly important that we equip ourselves with a good quality gaming headset, and since most people don't really want wires trailing across the floor a wireless model is a must have.
The very first target group of gaming mice was FPS gamers since due to its nature the mouse offered significantly better performance/speed and accuracy compared to both the keyboard and gamepads/joypads. Because of that and also because almost a decade ago FPS games were flooding the market it took many years before manufacturers started even considering the development of gaming mice for other game types such as RTS and MMO's. Fortunately today the market is filled with countless gaming mice designed with special features for every gamer type out there from FPS and RTS gamers up to MMO gamers. The Naga Hex by Razer which has been with us for the past week was designed not only to cover the needs of regular FPS gamers but also the needs of the more demanding MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) gamers who require the best of all worlds including speed/accuracy, control and extra buttons.
Il y a quelques temps déjà, nous vous avions proposé le test du HE-300. Casque de qualité audiophile dont le prix restait relativement abordable. Certes, 270 dollars, cela peut paraître important, voire complètement délirant. Cela dit, lorsque l’on achète un casque, si on est un féru de musique quelle qu’elle soit, il faut aussi raisonner avec le prix que couterait un système Hifi complet. Et là, surprise, le casque paraît presque raisonnable…et en plus, il permet de ne pas ennuyer l’entourage. Bien évidemment, à la Ferme, on joue, beaucoup parfois, et moins aussi quand il faut tester, mais on aime bien le faire avec de la musique sur les oreilles. Le HE-500 ne nous paraît donc pas totalement déraisonnable… Nous sommes conscients que ce dernier propos peut sembler déplacé, débile dans ces temps de crise. Mais quand on aime, on ne compte pas.
execution time : 0.146 sec