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Das Thema "Mobile Gaming" erfreut sich dank der raschen Smartphone- sowie Tablet-Entwicklung immer größer werdender Beliebtheit und sorgt für den spaßigen Zeitvertreib zwischendurch. Doch nicht immer ist die Bedienung der Spiele via Touchscreen einfach. Diesen Umstand erkannte auch der Peripherie-Spezialist Steelseries und vermarktet seit geraumer Zeit mit dem Free Mobile Wireless Controller ein passendes Gegenmittel. Dennoch beschränkt sich das schwedische Unternehmen bei dem Eingabegerät nicht nur auf die Kompatibilität zu Android und iOS. Welche "Freiheiten" das kleine Free-Gamepad dem Nutzer offenbaren kann, erläutern wir in diesem Test.
Professional gamers have a skill and that skill is the ability to practice and adapt. You see playing video games isn't all that different from playing golf or driving a race car.
If you've ever gone shopping for a gaming mouse, you've seen the myriads of different options that are available, from multiple buttons, to high-DPI sensors, and tons of other things. Ultimately, one needs to look at what you play for games the majority of the time to pick the right mouse for you, as some features are more applicable depending on what you play. A4Tech developed their V3 Bloody Multi-Core Gun3 gaming mouse with shooters in mind, and that shows in every aspect of this mouse. From the packaging to the features, this is definitely a FPS's mouse. In this article, Benchmark Reviews tests the A4Tech V3 in multiple FPS games, as well as in general computer tasks...
Gamers with big hands are often forgotten by the companies that make gaming-grade peripherals. Thinking about these players, Func, a California-based company that had been dormant for a while, is releasing the MS-3, a big mouse with a large palm-grip design that features twelve programmable functions and 5,670 dpi of resolution. We tested it along with the new Surface 1030 XL mousepad, also from Func. We will first introduce the products and then we will see how they fared.
We’ve got a colorful new Isku keyboard from ROCCAT. Called the Isku FX, it has all the same features as the original including up to 36 programmable keys, 6 profiles and ROCCAT’s Easy-Shift[+]. We’re also taking an in-depth look at ROCCAT Talk and Talk FX, ROCCAT’s hardware unity and lighting software that enhances the gaming experience when an Isku keyboard and a Kone mouse are brought together. Read on and see what we think!
Tesoro, marque prochainement disponible dans l'hexagone, et aussi dans le plat pays, propose des périphériques pour le jeu, exclusivement pour le jeu. Nous avions eu l’opportunité de tester le Durandal Ultimate, clavier haut de gamme. Cela dit, la gamme va être plus compliquée que cela. En effet, Tesero compte bien proposer des claviers encore plus haut de gamme que nous devrions recevoir incessamment. Et du coup, aujourd’hui, Tesoro nous fournit un Tesero Durandal Ultimate, version eSport. Il est question de mettre à disposition du joueur un clavier qui pousse loin l’équipement en switches, en effet, le Durandal Ultimate eSport possède des zones. Chacune est équipée de switches de couleurs différentes. Sur le papier, l’idée semble excellente. A l’utilisation, l’est-ce autant?
The Neo Reflection Wireless Finger Mouse works well in Windows 8 and for giving presentations, and can replace a standard mouse as long as you don't need pixel-perfect performance.
L'anno scorso abbiamo avuto modo di apprezzare il Plustek MobileOffice S420, un mini scanner versatile e di qualità adatto soprattutto a chi, per motivi lavorativi, è sempre in viaggio con il proprio portatile. A quasi un anno di distanza, Plustek ci propone il nuovo MobileOffice D412, uno scanner molto compatto ma che racchiude, in poco spazio, tutto ciò che ci serve per scannerizzare i nostri documenti e i bigliettini da visita dei nostri clienti.
Das in 1999 gegründete Unternehmen Func aus Schweden, spezialisiert auf Peripherie-Produkte, schien jahrelang von der Bildfläche verschwunden. Doch letztens wagte der Hersteller einen „Neuanfang“ und brachte neue Produkte wie zum Beispiel auch das von uns previewte Surface 1030L auf den Markt. Seither verzeichnet die Firma einen stetigen Wachstum. Wir haben uns die Gaming-Maus mit dem Titel „MS-3“ in unsere Redaktion geholt und genauer unter die Lupe genommen.
Genius releases an ambidextrous mouse with a bit of blue "flash". Let's have a look the new X-G510 optical gaming mouse and see what it's all about.
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