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Cideko originally created the Air Keyboard and Mouse for HTPC users. Now they’ve decided to step up their game, expand the size and include a PlayStation 3 style controller on top. The result is an amazing all-in-one solution that will leave all user bases satisfied, albeit, some more than others. Check out the full review to find out why Cideko has dubbed their latest all-in-one product the Conqueror.
That was my way of thinking, at least until I actually got to play around with and enjoy playing around with one of the two keyboards that Corsair just sent me. I spent quite a bit of time playing with the keyboards and mice at CES, but you just got the essence of what these boards were all about. They were fully functional at that time, but ten to fifteen minutes of play time does not give you the full feel of this product. Not only did Corsair steeping up to offer a reasonable priced solution to ponder in the mechanical keyboard segment, this keyboard seems to feel better every time I use it and that is something my fingers will say never happened on any of my rubber dome switch keyboards. In reality, with prolonged use of prior boards, my fingers did feel the brunt of the exchange between key and finger.
The idea behind the Auna PS-7801s is a sound one – plug the transmitter into your hi-fi, MP3 player or PC, then use the speakers wirelessly up to 100 metres away. Admittedly at that range you’ll be in a bit of a fix if you want to change tracks, but whatever, we’ll go with it. With down-firing subwoofers, integrated handles and some very PC gamer blue LED lighting, the Auna PS-7801s could be a big hit if they live up to their promise of power and portability. Let’s have a closer look and find out.
Große Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus - so sagt zumindest der Volksmund. Überträgt man dieses Sprichwort auf die Gaming-Branche, dann gibt es in nächster Zeit wohl kaum ein anderes Ereignis, das einen größeren Schatten wirft, als das Release des Action-RPGs Diablo 3 aus dem Hause Blizzard. Nach anderen namhaften Herstellern wie beispielsweise Razer (Battlefield 3, SWTOR) und Logitech (COD MW3) will nun auch der dänische Hersteller Steelseries von der Strahlkraft solcher Software-Blockbuster profitieren. Folgerichtig, hat der Spezialist für Gaming-Peripherie mit der "Diablo III Gaming-Maus" vor kurzem ebenfalls einen Nager im passenden Design auf den Markt gebracht, welchem wir im Folgenden - in gewohnt sorgfältiger Manier - unter die "gebrandete" Haube schauen wollen.
We continue to analyze the Vengeance line of gaming-grade keyboards and mice from Corsair, after reviewing the FPS-oriented K60 keyboard and M60 mouse. Now we're about to see the peripherals designed for strategy and role playing games, featuring more configuration capabilities. First we'll take a look at the Vengeance K90, a mechanical keyboard with 18 macro keys and an illuminated aluminum chassis. Let's describe its physical characteristics.
Portable speakers can be a hit and miss affair, but today let's see how the Genius SP-i250G stacks up.
We have a look and a listen tothe very stylish Noontec Zoro headphones.
Mit der „Savu“ schickt Peripherie-Spezialist Roccat eine Maus mit optischer Untergrundabtastung ins Rennen um die Gunst der Spieler. Wir haben die Savu angetestet.
Recently Sennheiser announced their latest gaming headset, the PC 323D which features virtual 7.1 sound and Dolby technology as a step up from the PC 320. Today we have one connected to our test system and have run it through a selection of tests to find out how it fares in a very competitive market segment.
LAN-Partys gehören in den „Alltag“ eines leidenschaftlichen Zockers. Dass es dort oftmals eher rau zugeht und nicht wirklich auf das verwendete Material geachtet wird, ist durchaus üblich. Dem einen fällt die Cola um, der andere bleibt am Kabel hängen oder es fällt etwas herunter. Da muss das Gaming-Komponente, in diesem Fall die Maus, schon einiges aushalten können ohne sofort kaputt zugehen. Genau auf solche Produkte hat sich das Unternehmen ZOWIE spezialisiert. Statt auf Schnickschnack wie LED´s oder ein aufwendiges Design zu setzen, sind die Produkte eher konservativ und funktional gehalten. Mehr im nachfolgenden Test
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