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Today Kaeyi Dream gets her hands on the latest Vengeance Gaming Series mouse from Corsair the M95.
If you enjoy playing all the latest PC game titles like we do you should be very well aware that pretty much all serious gaming mice in the market currently are corded ones with very few exceptions such as the R.A.T.9 wireless gaming mouse by Mad Catz. Still since more and more people are looking to ditch the limitations of that extra cable by purchasing a wireless gaming mouse it's only natural for gaming peripherals manufacturers to follow close and offer such products. SteelSeries hasn't really focused in wireless gaming mice in the past since their main target group is hardcore gamers and professionals who much like i prefer wired gaming mice over wireless ones. Still a manufacturer of their caliber couldn't stand back and watch from the sidelines so with their latest World of Warcraft wireless MMO mouse (mists of pandaria version) they are aiming at one of the largest segments of the market, Warcraft fans.
Today DaveChaos reviews the Logitech G400s Gaming Mouse. Be sure to check out Dave's YouTube channel for more of his personal videos, and subscribe to the HardwareHeaven channel to keep up-to-date with our video reviews.
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
(II. ii. 42-43).
This quote taken from 'Romeo and Juliet', and is spoken by Juliet. In this, Juliet is questioning why her love of her life is also from the family of her enemies. While most of us have read Romeo and Juliet in their earlier days, Juliet does bring up a good point. What is in a name? Not only humans, but companies also have their own sub-branding. For example Canon cameras have the Powershot/ELPH line for consumers, Rebel line for enthusiasts, and their EOS (Double digit and lower) for prosumers and professionals. But do these name even matter? Obviously, not so much, as Canon has started to merge names, like the EOS M, a compact system camera whose image quality lacks in comparison to any of the EOS DSLRs. So when Gigabyte was deciding a name for their next product, an air mouse, they decided to throw it under the sub-branding of Aivia. If anyone looks at other Gigabyte Aivia products, they will find a common trend: A gaming product with a unique or new design. Unlike Gigabyte’s Force lineup, these products are not only meant to game hard with, but to look good in the process. However, the Aivia Neon is not by any means a gaming mouse. Released in April 2013, this air presenter mouse's main purpose was to function well in the office or in a classroom. So what happens when Gigabyte decides to throw such an object into the Aivia branding? I guess we’ll have to read on to find out!
Nous avons reçu une petite série badgée Zowie. Ainsi, parmi les produits présents, nous avions donc la nouvelle version de l'EC2 mais aussi le casque Hammer. Celui-ci existe depuis un bout de temps chez Zowie ; cela dit, nous n'avions pas eu l'occasion de mettre nos délicates oreilles dedans. C'est maintenant chose faite. Le leitmotiv de Zowie reste la simplicité et la solidité, en témoignent les choix réalisées sur l'EC2, entre autres. De fait, voyons voir si la recette fonctionne aussi pour un casque.
The latest anniversary Kone Pure Color mice from ROCCAT can be picked up in different flavors, feature a high performance laser sensor and can be controlled by powerful customization software. The EasyShift[+] function allows us to double the button functions and the ROCCAT logo LEDs can be set with the color of our choice.
Cooler Master has done a good job with their mechanical keyboard lineup to make sure they provide options for both gamers and mechanical keyboard enthusiasts. That means they have keyboards that focus on backlighting and macro keys as well as more simple designs that the enthusiasts tend to enjoy. At CES this January I caught a glimpse at a full sized keyboard that reminded me of the simplicity of the Quickfire Rapid. This was the Quickfire XT and today I will finally be taking a look at it. Let’s see what its all about.
The Kone from ROCCAT makes another appearance. Let's see what has changed in just over a year that gives this Kone mouse the XTD moniker.
Les souris, on en trouve autant de modèles que d'utilisateurs, ou presque. Elles se répartissent en deux groupes, les techniques et les simplissimes. Zowie se range dans la deuxième catégorie. L'EC2 se présente à nous en version Evo. Nous avons eu l'opportunité de tester l'EC2 première version. Force était et est de constater que cette EC2 nous avait particulièrement séduit. D'une part, elle tombait parfaitement sous la main, d'autre part, la glisse était tout simplement excellente. Du coup, aujourd'hui, nous avons reçu la version modifiée, qu'apporte-t-elle ? Reste-t-elle toujours aussi recommandable ? C'est ce que nous allons voir à l'occasion de ce test.
ROCCAT travaille beaucoup sur ses produits afin d’en proposer des évolutions. C’est un fabricant qui, même si parfois nous ironisons un peu, est à l’écoute des teams qu’elle sponsorise. Ainsi, après avoir revu et corrigé la Kone, en avoir proposé deux évolutions, la STD et la Pure, voilà aujourd’hui que la Pure reçoit un nouveau capteur. En effet, elle se tourne vers l’optique, comme, cela dit, à peu près tout le monde. L’ère du capteur laser de compétition semble en voie de ralentissement. Indubitablement, c’est une bonne chose pour ce qui concerne la fiabilité, le capteur optique a effectivement la légitimité du temps qui passe, qui a passé. C’est parti donc pour le test d’une souris dont nous vantons régulièrement l’excellente prise en main.
execution time : 0.061 sec