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Power Supply
Power Supply
If you are the proud owner of a new high end SLI or CrossfireX gaming system, then you might be in the market for a powerful, future proof power supply. The product we are going to be looking at today will be of interest as it is 80 Plus Gold Certified modular design capable of outputting 1200W, with peaks up to 1300W. Is the SilverStone Strider Gold 1200W power supply good enough to be on your next shortlist?
Power Supply
Today we have a new brand crossing the test bench to see what it can handle. This time the power supply is from LEPA. Most of you will not be familiar with LEPA at all, but will easily recognize the parent brand of ECOMASTER. LEPA's power supply offerings are identical to that of its sister company, Enermax. This is because they are simply rebranded and offered to consumers with the LEPA name instead of Enermax. We aren't entirely sure why the same company would offer the same product under a different name, but as long as it performs well, then it doesn't really matter.
Power Supply
Leise und Stromsparende Netzteile erfreuen sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Da war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis auch NZXT ein passendes Gerät anbieten würde. Dieser Hersteller hat sich vor allem bei Gehäusen einen guten Namen gemacht. Da wundert es uns nicht, dass man diese erfolgreiche Marke auch für andere Produkte, wie zum Beispiel Netzteile, anbieten möchte.
Power Supply
Compared with companies such as Corsair and Enermax, NesteQ is a relatively small company when it comes to PSUs. When I told a few of my friends about this PSU, the majority of them had never even heard on NesteQ. However, for those of us who have been following PC hardware for a while will know that NesteQ is famed for their quiet PSUs and other products aimed at reducing noise from your system. This new PSU is no exception.
Power Supply
Let's take a look at the revamped Corsair TX850 power supply, dubbed TX850 V2, now featuring a DC-DC design and 80 Plus Bronze certification. It is important to understand that while the old TX850 was manufactured by CWT, being a relabeled 850VH unit from this manufacturer, the new Corsair TX850 V2 is manufactured by Seasonic, being internally identical to the XFX PRO 850 W unit.
Power Supply
Nachdem wir bereits das Antec HCG-750 in einem Review vorgestellt haben, wollen wir ein Blick auf ein weiteres Netzteil der High-Current-Gamer-Serie werfen. Das HCG-620 unterscheidet sich in einigen Details vom größeren Bruder. Die wohl auffälligsten Unterschiede sind im Äußeren, bei der Anzahl der Anschlüsse und natürlich auch bei der zur Verfügung gestellten Leistung zu finden. Während das HCG-750 und das HCG-900 jeweils vier 6+2-Pin-PCIe-Stromanschlüsse bereit stellen, sind es bei der 520- und der 620-Watt-Version jeweils derer nur zwei. Inwieweit sich die Unterschiede der Netzteile bei den Testergebnissen auswirken, klären wir auf den folgenden Seiten.
Power Supply
Corsair’s diversification towards the power supply unit market was perhaps the most successful one any technology products manufacturer has made until today. The company is now, only a few years afterwards releasing their first PSU, renowned as one of the best PSU manufacturers. Today we are reviewing the very flagship of Corsair’s power supply products, the AX1200 1200W unit.
Power Supply
"be quiet!" bedeutet "Sei leise!" und der gleichnamige Hersteller erfüllt diesen selbst auferlegten Befehl seit vielen Jahren im Bereich der Netzteile. Vor einiger Zeit folgten dann Lüfter und im Frühjahr 2011 ergänzte die Firma ihr Angebot um CPU-Kühler. Den Anfang macht der gewaltige Dark Rock ProC1, der sich bei uns 18 namhaften Mitbewerbern stellen musste.
Power Supply
The Logisys PS350MA, targeted to small form factor (SFF) computers, measures only 4.9 x 2.5 x 3.9 inches (125 x 63.5 x 100 mm) (W x H x D). This unit raises several red flags as being a really bad product. First, it uses the SFX12V form factor, but the manufacturer is not aware of that, calling it a "Micro ATX" power supply. Second, it is sold as being a 350 W unit; however, the power supply label says that 350 W is the peak wattage, and the "average output" is 250 W. And, third, the label and product specification found online says the product only works at 220 V/50 Hz, but the unit clearly has a 110 V/220 V switch. Let's see if our suspicions hold true or if this unit will surprise us.
Power Supply
The Golden Steel Power is an 80 Plus Gold power supply series from Sentey, featuring a modular cabling system, resonant switching, synchronous rectification, and DC-DC design, coming with a terrific price tag for the features offered. Let's see if the 850 W model is a good option.
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