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Power Supply
Power Supply
As a reviewer, I always look forward to reviewing an Antec power supply, primarily due to fact that they really know how to make a good one! Antec has been around since 1986 and has risen to the elite class of PSU manufacturers for no other reason than quality. Antec has made a real mark on the hardware enthusiast market, primarily with their power supplies and cases, to a point where just about any enthusiast that has been building for a few years would have owned an Antec product at some point.
Power Supply
Our last PSU review took an in depth look at the performance of the Jou Jye BW-B620JL power supply. Many of our readers probably wanted to learn a bit more about the linking feature that allows multiple Jou Jye PSU's to be linked together. Jou Jye claims that a user is able to link two of these out of the box and then able to link a total of seven power supplies with some additional hardware offered by the company. Today we are going to take a deeper look at this feature and see if it is really all that it is cracked up to be.
Power Supply
Aujourd'hui, et comme nous l'avons déjà fait par le passé, nous mettons à jour notre comparatif d'alimentations avec deux nouveaux modèles de marques que nous connaissons bien. D'un coté, nous testons la toute nouvelle Pure Power L8 de Be Quiet dans sa version 530 watts, et de l'autre, la FSP Aurum 550 watts dans sa version modulaire. Go go go go ...
Power Supply
Today we have one of the first samples of the OCZ ZT 750w PSU on our test bench to find out if it can hit that balance of performance and cost which appeals to the mainstream consumer.
Power Supply
From time to time we like to test power supplies from obscure brands or from brands that are popular in other countries but not in the United States. This is the case today, with our review of the AK 500 power supply from the South Korean 3R System. Let's see if this power supply is a viable option or if it is a piece of Chinese garbage with a South Korean passport.
Power Supply
Armed with an 80Plus Silver certification, very good rail stability, plenty of power connectors, 1200W of total power output, 5 years of warranty and a very attractive price tag the latest Toughpower 1200W (TP-1200M) power supply unit by Thermaltake is ready to take the competition head on.
Power Supply
Ein geringer Stromverbrauch ist in Zeiten immer stärker steigender Energiekosten etwas, was kein Nutzer aus den Augen verlieren sollte. Neben sparsamen Komponenten bietet auch ein effektives Netzteil einiges an Sparpotential. Um so länger der Rechner täglich läuft und um so mehr Strom dieser benötigt, steigt das Sparpotential natürlich deutlich an. Aber auch bei kleinen Systemen lohnt sich die Anschaffung von effizienten Netzteilen und so wollen wir heute einen Blick auf das 500-Watt-Exemplar des Enermax Modu87+ werfen, welches sich gerade für kleine Systeme anbietet. Mit einer hohen Verarbeitungsgüte, vielen Anschlüssen, einem leisen Betrieb und natürlich auch durch eine gute Effizienz will das Netzteil überzeugen. Ob dies gelingt, zeigen die folgenden Seiten.
Power Supply
Solide, günstig und leise sollen die neuen Netzteile der Pure-Power-Serie sein und die breite Masse an potentiellen Käufern ansprechen. Dafür wurde ein interessantes Paket aus 80Plus-Bronze-Zertfikat, SilentWings-Lüfter und Kabelmanagement geschnürt. Wir klären, ob die Serie das Potential zum Kassenschlager in der Einsteigerserie hat.
Power Supply
The traditional OEM is entering the retail market. Lets see if their 850 W offering with 80 Plus Bronze certification and modular cabling system is a good pick.
Power Supply
Corsair recently released the third version of their popular TX power supply series, dubbed "M" for "Modular." However, it is really important to understand that this new version isn't simply a TX or TX V2 power supply with a modular cabling system added; the internal design is completely different. The TX M series has 550 W, 650 W, 750 W, and 850 W models, all with 80 Plus Bronze certification. (The TX V2 series doesn't have a 550 W version, and Corsair still offers a 950 W model under the first TX series.) We've already reviewed the 750 W version of the TX M series; now it is time to review the entry-level, 550 W model.
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