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Power Supply
Power Supply
I can't speak about where you all live but where we live we get countless of electricity spikes and blackouts during both hard winter and summer periods (due to increased power requirements) so that's all the more reason to own a very good power supply unit. Granted a PSU may not be able to withstand the worse possible electricity outages/spikes/blackouts but so far out of the countless ones we've tested under such conditions (also our PSU test bench is deliberately not plugged into a UPS) only 1 has ever failed us. So a good/high end PSU should last for a long time even if you don't own a good UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply - something we do however recommend having). One such unit is the latest Revolution87+ 850W PSU by Enermax which we've been testing for the past week with quite impressive results i might add.
Power Supply
Kingwin's Lazer LZ-850 ATX power supply brings a lot to the table, and it's all good. With excellent performance, quiet operation, and a very innovative feature set, this PSU could easily find a home in all but the most demanding enthusiast's rigs.
Power Supply
Seasonic präsentiert mit dem X-400FL (SS-400FL) sein erstes lüfterloses Netzteil. Warum die Taiwanesen erst so spät auf diese Marktnische abzielen, hat sicherlich gute Gründe. Die Fertigung von hocheffizienten Netzteilen ist mittlerweile einfach rentabler geworden. So wartet das X-400FL nicht nur mit einen 80Plus Gold Zertifikat auf, sondern mit einer Reihe weiterer interessanter Features, die vor nicht allzu langer Zeit zu diesem Preis einfach nicht möglich gewesen wären. Inwiefern es Seasonic gelingt, die Marktnische mit dem X-400FL aufzumischen klärt unser ausführlicher Review.
Power Supply
Die ersten Monate des Jahres 2009 gestalten sich für einen Netzteiltester bisher äußerst arbeitsintensiv, einerseits trudeln so langsam die auf den Messen zelebrierten Neuerscheinungen in der Redaktion ein. Andererseits gibt es daneben so viele unerwähnte Highlights, das eine sinnvolle Selektierung kaum möglich wäre, ohne andere Projekte zu vernachlässigen. In den letzten Netzteil Tests konnten wir einige dieser Lücken dauerhaft füllen, somit bleibt die Zeit für eine von vielen erwartete Neuvorstellung: dem ersten Netzteil von Arctic Cooling.
Power Supply
XFX recently released a new series of power supplies with the 80 Plus Gold certification and a fully modular cabling system, with 750 W, 850 W, 1,050 W, and 1,250 W versions, dubbed the PRO Black Edition Full Modular. Be aware that the name "PRO Black Edition" has already been used by XFX for an 80 Plus Bronze power supply series, and the new series has the "Full Modular" words added to its name. (The new models have the letters "BEF" added at the end of their part numbers.) Wouldn't it be simpler to just use a different name? Anyway, we've already reviewed the 750 W model, which proved to be an outstanding unit. Let's see if the 850 W version also deserves our recommendation.
Power Supply
Das Corsair AX1200 soll laut Hersteller die aktuelle Spitze im Netzteilbereich darstellen. Um den Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden und gegen die Hauptkonkurrenten Enermax Revolution 85+ sowie Antec High Current Pro zu bestehen, wurde mit Flextronics u.A. ein qualitativ sehr hochwertiger Hersteller gewählt. Wir testen den Koloss und stellen uns die Frage: Wer braucht 1.200 Watt?
Power Supply
Seasonic have had an active couple of months – in May we reviewed their Platinum 1,200W Modular PSU and today we are looking at the new X-Series 1250W – a refresh on the older model which we looked at, way back in 2012. The new model is a pure modular design with 80 Plus Gold Certification, but it has received a handful of upgrades since the original launch. Is it worth shortlisting for an upgrade in 2014?
Power Supply
Après une Aurum totalement passive plutôt efficace, nous testons ce jour le Fer de Lance de la marque, la Aurum Pro 1200 watts. Un modèle haut de gamme, qui se destine aux utilisateurs les plus exigeants et qui se veut être l'ambassadeur de la marque. Une alimentation qui a donc la pression et qui est testée ce jour dans nos colonnes.
Power Supply
Back in 2008, Corsair launched the TX series of power supplies. It was an instant success and a power supply that many still love today. It provided plenty of power for gamers and enthusiasts and did so without breaking the bank. The TX series also offered great connector availability and longer cables for those with larger cases and those that routed cables to keep them from being seen. Corsair has been updating several of their power supply series and the TX series is the latest in the line of refreshments.
Power Supply
Certain power supply series from Huntkey (like V-Power and Green Star) are labeled with their peak wattage instead of their continuous wattage. So far in our reviews only Titan 650 W (sold in the US as the first version of Best Buy's Rocketfish 700 W) and Jumper 550 didn't explode during our tests. We've already reviewed the 450 W version from Balance King series, which also exploded in a very unusual way. Let's see if the 500 W model will survive our tests.
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