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Power Supply
Power Supply
Cooler Master hat die Redaktion ocinside.de bereits mit einigen Netzteilen der Silent Pro Gold Serie begeistert, die allerdings preislich im oberen Preissegment zu finden sind. Heute sehen wir uns das deutlich preiswertere Cooler Master GX-650 Bronze Netzteil an, welches trotz niedrigem Preis mit einer guten Energieeffizienz überzeugen möchte. Sehen wir uns die Ergebnisse des non-modularen Netzteils genauer an und vergleichen die Werte mit den vorigen PSUs.
Power Supply
Today we review one of Sapphire's new products and their first PSU, the FirePSU 625W unit. The company claims that the PSU is optimized for workstations and it boasts some very good features and specifications, but is it good enough to compete against the many renowned companies in today's PSUs market?
Power Supply
It really feels like centuries since i last reviewed a power supply unit and so todays review is not only the first of its kind here but also the first one i test with a new test rig (well not actually new since the components are pretty much what I’ve always used, just on a different test bench). I am sure that by now most of you are well aware about the reasons as to why people should always prefer brand name power supplies over noname ones but for all of you who are not i can point the 3 perhaps most important ones which are clean and stable power for your system (translates to more life for your computer), higher quality components (more durable) and finally lower noise levels (who likes noise?). So today on the new test bench we have the latest Antec HCG-620M, a 620 modular unit targeted towards the mid-end segment of the market and more specifically gamers.
Power Supply
Lets take a look at the In Win GreenMe 650 W power supply, which comes with the 80 Plus Bronze certification, DC-DC design in its secondary, and four +12 V rails.
Power Supply
Oggi siamo lieti di presentarvi un prodotto molto interessante, top di gamma del marchio IN WIN per tipologia, precisamente a livello di componentistica interna e caratteristiche tecniche. Come avrete capito, stiamo parlando di un alimentatore di fascia alta da 700W con certificazione 80Plus Gold. Il modello è il “Desert Fox”, che si caratterizza innanzitutto per una colorazione color bianco panna e che richiama ovviamente alla Volpe del deserto. Che ci si riferisca al Generale Erwin Rommel o più semplicemente al mammifero ci è ignoto, ma sebbene sia relativamente piccolo come wattaggio, è certamente una belva impegnativa da abbattere per la concorrenza. Scopriamo insieme il perché!
Power Supply
Im Rahmen der Computex 2012 hatte PC Games Hardware die exklusive Möglichkeit, dem Hauptquartier von Seasonic in Taipei, Taiwan einen Besuch abzustatten. Neben einer Führung samt Treffen mit dem CEO höchstpersönlich erhielten wir interessante Einblicke in die Firmengeschichte sowie -philosophie; auch Anekdoten kamen nicht zu kurz.
Power Supply
80Plus-Platin ist der neue Trend in der Netzteilbranche. Doch welchen Vorteil bringt das begehrte Siegel mit? Wie wird die hohe Effizienz realisiert? Und wie schneidet schlussendlich unser Testproband, das Seasonic Platinum 1000W, ab? So viel seit verraten: Unser Testparcours hat so einige Überraschung zu Tage gefördert.
Power Supply
We haven't seen an Antec PSU in our labs for some time, but today we get acquainted with the High Current Pro HCP-850 Platinum 80 PLUS model.
Power Supply
Today we will take a look at their new flagship PSU, the Revolution 85+ 1250W. Enermax never fail to impress when releasing new products and once again their new Revolution85+ range boasts better performance figures than we've ever seen to date. We will find out today if new records are going to be set.
Power Supply
Power supplies are often a neglected part of any computer rig. They have neither the interest of a graphics card nor the features of a motherboard and so often finds itself bottom of the list when it comes to building a rig. However, the humble power supply is an essential part of any computer and a bad unit can ruin not only itself but also other components. Other things to consider are the peak output power, efficiency and whether it is SLI ready, but the main thing that a PSU needs to achieve is rock solid rail stability. OCZ sell a range of different wattage units and today we look at one from the ModXStream range that aims to achieve all this and more.
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