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Power Supply
Gold steht derzeit als alternativer "Sparstrumpf" hoch im Kurs, auch wenn viele Analysten trotzdem von dieser Anlageart abraten. Dies trifft bedingt auch auf 80+ Gold zertifizierte Netzteile zu, diese stehen bei den möglichen Käufern ebenso hoch im Kurs, verlieren aber deutlich schneller an Wert, denn im Gegensatz zu den deponierten Gold-Barren im Tresor, müssen die Netzteile ihr Dasein in unseren Rechnern fristen und das führt zwangsläufig zu einem nicht unerheblichen Wertverlust. Apropos Verlust, die Verlustleistung darf bei einem Schaltnetzteil gerne so gering wie möglich sein, um so höher gestaltet sich die Effizienz sprich der Wirkungsgrad.
Schon sind wir mitten im eigentlichen Thema, denn nach unserem ersten Enermax Gold-Test der Pro87+ Baureihe, fand sich ein weiterer Bolide mit 80+ Gold Zertifikat bei uns ein: das Enermax Modu87+ mit 700 Watt, das sich rein technisch lediglich durch seine modularen Kabelsträngen von der Pro-Serie differenziert. Das Netzteil stammt aus der laufenden Serie, entspricht also dem, was ihr beim Händler im Regal vorfindet. Das wir nicht all zu viel auf dieses schmückende 80+ Zertifikat geben, ist sicherlich bekannt, denn bezüglich der Netzteilqualität sagt es verschwindend wenig aus. Insofern lassen wir uns nicht ablenken und konzentreren uns auf weit wichtigere Leistungsindikatoren. Was dieses Netzteil in allen Aggregatszuständen an Spannungstabilität liefert, wie sich die Geräuschentwicklung gestaltet, wie gut die Restwelligkeit unterbunden wurde und vieles mehr erfahrt ihr in unserem ausführlichen Praxistest, dazu wünschen wir euch viel Spaß..
Power Supply
Enermax Technology Corporation are one of the most highly regarded power supply providers to the enthusiast marketplace. I have owned many over the years myself, long before I worked for any publication. They have never let me down and they are one of the few companies I immediately shortlist if I am in the market myself for a new unit. The 1250W Revolution is still a mainstay in the KitGuru review test bed units.
Power Supply
Enermax have been in the market for quite some time and have earned their rightful place as a market leader when it comes to power supplies offering up units suitable for every type of system. With entry level 350W power supplies to 1250W premium class sporting 80 Plus efficiency ratings, you'll be hard pressed to fault their product selection.
Power Supply
Ask any computer enthusiast to list a quality manufacturer of power supplies and Enermax will almost always be amongst those listed, and with good reason. Enermax consistently delivers excellence to consumers and that is how they have excelled in becoming one of the top power supply manufacturers around. Enermax strives to keep ahead of the competition in both features and performance.
Power Supply
Today HardwareHeaven take a look at the Modu87+ 600W unit which, as the name suggests, is a modular unit. Enthusiasts usually expect exceptional efficiency and the very best electrical performance from 80Plus Gold certified units. Is the Modu87+ 600W model capable of satisfying them? Read on to find out.
Power Supply
The NAXN, the latest power supply series from Enermax, is subdivided into three sub-series: the NAXN, also known as Tomahawk II, featuring 350 W, 450 W, and 500 W models, with no 80 Plus certification; the NAXN 80+, featuring 350 W, 450 W, 500 W, and 600 W models, with the standard 80 Plus certification; and the NAXN 82+, featuring 750 W and 850 W models, with the 80 Plus Bronze certification and modular cabling system (a feature not available on the models from the other two sub-series.) Let's see if the new Enermax NAXN 80+ 600 W is a good option.
Power Supply
Enermax has just expanded their NAXN 82+ series of power supplies with the 80 Plus Bronze certification to include three new models, 450 W, 550 W, and 650 W. (This series also has 750 W and 850 W models.) However, you need to pay attention, as Enermax also has two other series called NAXN, the "plain" NAXN, also known as Tomahawk II, featuring 350 W, 450 W, and 500 W models, with no 80 Plus certification, and the NAXN 80+, featuring 350 W, 450 W, 500 W, and 600 W models, with the standard 80 Plus certification. To make things more confusing, the 550 W model that we are reviewing is sold as "NAXN" (and not "NAXN 82+". Anyway, let's see if this new power supply is a good pick.
Power Supply
The NAXN is the latest power supply series from Enermax, and is subdivided into three sub-series: the NAXN, also known as Tomahawk II, featuring 350 W, 450 W, and 500 W models, with no 80 Plus certification; the NAXN 80+, featuring 350 W, 450 W, 500 W, and 600 W models, with the standard 80 Plus certification; and the NAXN 82+, featuring 750 W and 850 W models, with the 80 Plus Bronze certification and modular cabling system (a feature not available on the models from the other two sub-series.) Let's see if the new Enermax NAXN 82+ 750 W is a good option.
Power Supply
Today we are going to have a look at a product from their latest series of power supplies, called NAXN, the NAXN 82+ 750W unit. How Enermax chose such a strange name for their new series of PSUs we will never know; what we do know is that the NANX series consists of the most aggressively priced products the company currently offers and they are obviously designed to appeal to budget-minded enthusiasts.
Power Supply
When you think of quality power supplies, a few names always spring to mind- Antec, Corsair and of course, Enermax. They are one of the more established companies, being around since 1990, and have made a reputation by consistently producing some of the finest power supplies on the market such as the Modu87+ we reviewed previously.
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