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Power Supply
Power Supply
In this review we will be looking at the be quiet Dark Power Pro 10. This is a 550W power supply unit that is designed to be virtually silent and highly configurable for a variety of applications. The PSU features a 80Plus Gold rating, modular cables and an overclocking feature that allows you to change the 12v+ rail configuration.
Power Supply
Today we look at the latest power supply from Corsair, the Professional Series AX1200i. This is the first desktop power supply to use a digital signal processor (DSP) to digitally control the power output. Corsair class the AX1200i as the ‘ultimate performance power supply for a dream PC system’. This fully modular design has over 100A available via the +12V output and has achieved 80 Plus Platinum certification.
Power Supply
Even though the company started as a specialist manufacturer of RAM modules, Corsair has also been a major player in the PSU market for years. Nowadays the company offers a very wide range of power related products and their units are usually into every enthusiast's shortlist while browsing for high-end equipment. It would not be new if Corsair released just another high performance unit; however, today we are having a look at the brand new AX1200i, which is something more than a simple power supply. Bearing an 80Plus Platinum certification, boasting extreme performance figures and bringing the all-new Corsair Link DSP interface, Corsair obviously hopes for the AX1200i to become the favorite unit of hardcore enthusiasts. Does it have what it takes to entice the ludicrously demanding target group it aims at? We will find out in this review.
Power Supply
Today Corsair introduced the AX1200i power supply it had announced at Computex. This isn't just any power supply, it's the first PSU for high-end desktop PCs to use digital control. The DSP is supposed to ensure extremely high efficiency and very low ripple values. It also comes with interesting features such as the ability to monitor and adjust vital parts of the PSU with software.
Power Supply
Corsair introduces the new AX1200i and redefines what it means to be an enthusiast level power supply with features never seen in a consumer level PSU.
Power Supply
Nach der erfolgreichen Markteinführung der Straight Power E9 Netzteile im Dezember 2011, hat be quiet mit einiger Verzögerung nun auch die High-End Speerspitze Dark Power Pro upgedatet. Die neue Serie hört auf die Bezeichnung be quiet Dark Power Pro P10, wobei die 10 vermutlich so etwas wie die Revisionsnummer darstellen soll, obwohl es ein Dark Power Pro P1 nach unserem Kenntnisstand nie gegeben hat.
Als Kaufmotivation für den potentiellen Kunden steht neben Detailverbesserungen viel Feinschliff auf der Agenda der überarbeiteten Flaggschiffe, darunter natürlich auch eine Steigerung der Effizienz sowie die Reduzierung von Störgeräuschen, mit der aktuell eine ganze Reihe von Konkurrenzprodukten behaftet sind. Besonders interessant ist an dieser Stelle die Struktur der P10 Angebote: die Dark Power Pro Netzteile von 550 bis 750 Watt verfügen über ein 80+ Gold Zertifikat und werden nach be quiet Vorgaben bei FSP gefertigt. Die Dark Power Pro Netzteile ab 850 Watt besitzen das 80+ Platin Emblem und entstammen den Fertigungsbändern von Seasonic.
be quiet hat uns freundlicherweise ein 550 Watt Exemplar aus einer aktuellen Charge für einen Test zur Verfügung gestellt, so das wir die neue Serie ausführlich und mit gewohnter Intensität auf ihre Praxistauglichkeit überprüfen konnten. Was wir dabei an aussagekräftigen Resultaten herausgearbeitet haben, erfahrt ihr in unserem neuesten Netzteil-Review, dazu wünschen wir euch jetzt viel Vergnügen...
Power Supply
The Thunderbolt 1200 is a high end powerfull 80+ gold, semi modular PSU. Only 160mm in length. So it's sounds like a real contender for all the well known high end powerful PSU's. Let's bring on the [M] testbench set-up and compare what the thunder god has to offer.
Power Supply
Today we are looking at the latest BeQuiet Dark Power Pro 10 1200W power supply, designed to target the ultra high end enthusiast audience with sophisticated SLI and Crossfire systems. We already reviewed the 850W model in the same range, so it will be interesting to see if the 1200W model can maintain the high quality we now expect.
Power Supply
Lets see how this 750 W model with the 80 Plus Platinum certification, modular cabling system, and single +12 V rail from AZZA fared in our tests.
Power Supply
The chance that you really need a 1600W power supply for your PC is slim. You really need to try hard to build a PC that can use that much power, at least three or four high-end graphics cards with preferably two processors and all of them overclocked to even get close to 1600W. If you do need that much power, then the Lepa G1600 is a good PSU, if a little noisy.
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