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Depuis le lancement de l'architecture Core étrennée par les célèbres Core 2 Duo puis Quad, Intel domine de la tête et des épaules le marché des CPU grand public. Nehalem qui lui succéda ne fit que confirmer cette suprématie avec des Core i7 intouchables, AMD n'ayant pas connu le même succès avec ses Phenom ! Ces derniers en progrès dans leur seconde révision intégrant jusqu'à 6 coeurs d'exécution, ne sont toujours capables que de concurrencer le milieu de gamme du géant bleu grâce à un placement tarifaire agressif. Mais Intel ne semble pas décidé à laisser son concurrent de toujours reprendre pied dans le marché en lançant en ce début d'année sa nouvelle micro-architecture Sandy Bridge. Que vaut-elle en pratique, réponse dans ce dossier.
Right on track, well after Ivy Bridge, AMD has released their second generation of Accelerated Processing Units in the form of the Trinity series A10-5800K and the A8-5600K. Last week, we brought you a preview of these two APUs just to give you a taste of their gaming performance and some of their specifications. Today, at Benchmark Reviews, we are going in detail for a full work-over of the A10-5800K APU.
Intel's "Extreme Edition" CPUs have always represented the company's top consumer offerings. Typically priced in the $1,000 range, they have unlocked multipliers, lots of cache, and lots of cores. But until now, Intel's top Extreme Edition offering, the Core i7-990X CPU, was based on the older Gulftown architecture, and the performance gap between this CPU and the newer Sandy Bridge architecture Core i7-2600K and 2700K is pretty damn narrow, especially considering that the latter costs less than a third the price of the former. But now Intel's made a Sandy Bridge Extreme Edition, with six physical cores and a staggering 15 megabytes of cache. Benchmark Reviews takes the new Intel Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition CPU around the benchmark course, testing it against the best CPUs Intel and AMD have to offer.
The Corsair CMGTX4 and CMGTX7 were two of the fastest RAM kits available at the time; they carried with them a huge price tag and 'till today, the speed on the GTX4 kit is just insane. Both kits are dual channel, but neither would achieve their rated speeds. While overclocking on the Z68 platform is great, its memory overclocking is limited and actually not as strong as the older P55 when it comes to raw MHz. Having unfortunately admitted defeat on these two kits, I never got around to actually looking at them, because we couldn't get the default speeds.
Our review of the first six-core CPU to arrive on the market, Core i7-980X (3.33 GHz), based on the new 32 nm manufacturing process.
Lets take a look at the highest-end CPU with integrated video from AMD (APU, the A10-5800K (Trinity, and compare it to its main competitor, the Core i3-3220 (Ivy Bridge. We also included the A8-3870K (Llano and the Core i3-2105 (Sandy Bridge.
En présentant officiellement le Gulftown en ce mois de mars, Intel est donc le premier à décliner un processeur 6 Cœurs pour le grand public. Après l'apparition des Dual Core et Quad Core sur les déclinaisons Lynnfield et Bloomfield, puis du Westmere, voici le Gunlftown, une version 6 Cœurs pour les plateformes X58 LGA1366. L'augmentation du nombre de Cœurs au sein même du processeur porte-elle à la hausse les performances dans la pratique ? Logiciels et Jeux sont-ils devenus au fil du temps mieux optimisés pour l'exploitation des Cœurs et du Multi Threading avec l'HT ?
As promised, this short article will be devoted to the analysis of probably one of the most interesting technologies used in Intel Core i7 processors -- Hyper-Threading.
AMDs „Bulldozer“-Architektur ist Neuland für jedermann und es gibt noch viele Fragen zu klären. Wir sehen uns den Turbo, das Feature „CMT“ und den Windows-8-Scheduler genauer an. Dabei wollen wir klären, in wie weit der Turbo effizienter unter Windows 8 funktionieren dürfte, denn dort soll ein optimierter Thread-Scheduler besser mit der AMD-Architektur zusammen arbeiten.
Overclocking non-top processors (that do not have special options to facilitate the process) requires following certain rules. There are certain tricks of the trade, which we're going to cover in this article.
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