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The Phenom 2 X4 975 Black Edition is the new high end model in AMD's four core CPU range and they are aiming it at the sub $200 price range for enthusiasts and gamers. Today we have one on our test bench and will see how it compares to the latest Intel CPUs as well as an existing AMD model in a selection of synthetic and real world tests which include Blu-Ray 3D, gaming and media conversion.
AMD überrascht zum Jahresauftakt mit zwei neuen CPUs. Darunter ein neuer Phenom II X4 aus der 800er-Serie, der bei genauer Betrachtung viele Fragen aufwirft. Mit dem Phenom II X4 840 will AMD sich gegen die kleinen Intel-Prozessoren stellen und greift dabei neben einem höheren Takt auch zu anderen, fragwürdigen Mitteln. Wir geben Antworten.
Intel's processor development follows a regular "tick-tock" cycle. The "tick" is the refinement of an existing architecture; the "tock" is a new architecture. Proceeding at a roughly yearly pace, the "tick-tock" model brought us the 45nm Nehalem architecture processors (the original Core-i3, -i5, and -i7 CPUs) as a "tock", and the subsequent 32nm Westmere processors as the "tick" part of the cycle. Now, Intel introduces their new Sandy Bridge architecture as the latest "tock", and Benchmark Reviews checks out the new Sandy Bridge-based Core i7-2600K. This unlocked, 3.4GHz, Hyper-Threading, quad-core CPU is the top of the Sandy Bridge line, and we'll see how it performs against the best AMD processors and Intel's own as well.
Are you curious how the new Intel Sandy Bridge processor architecture performs in mobile platforms? We have the new Intel Core i7-2820QM processor locked and loaded in a Compal notebook that should make most desktop PCs run away and duck for cover. After checking out this 2.3Ghz quad-core processor with Hyper-Threading and 8MB of L3 cache, you might not ever look at your old notebook the same way!
One year later we find ourselves in a similar situation. CES is upon us and once again, Intel has launched another exciting line of processors for 2011. Codenamed Sandy Bridge, the 2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Family represents the “Tock” in Intel's “Tick-Dock” development model. Although Sandy Bridge is built on the 32nm process like Westmere, it features an all-new micro-architecture with improvements across the board.
Fin de NDA oblige, nous venons de publier notre dossier consacré à l'architecture Sandy Bridge d'Intel. Apportant de nombreuses nouveautés telles que le QSV, Turbo 2.0 mais aussi des modifications plus en profondeur, celle-ci devrait changer la donne en terme de performances.
We've taken a bit of a different approach to an Intel launch this time around. While we generally get our motherboard / CPU guy to take care of any kind of CPU / Chipset launch, we've added something extra into the mix.
Wir zeigen heute mit den Intel Core i7-2600K und Core i5-2500K was Intel beim Vollzug des nächsten "Tock" Schrittes vollbracht hat. Dabei stellen wir insbesondere die neue Prozessorarchitektur vor und jagen zwei Exemplare der neuen Prozessoren durch unseren Benchmarkparcour.
Im Test der Sandy-Bridge-CPUs Core i7-2600K, Core i5-2500K und Core i5-2400 prüft PC Games Hardware, wie schnell Intels neue Prozessor-Generation arbeitet, wie hoch der elektrische Energiekonsum ist, was die neuen Features bringen, wie sich die integrierte Grafikeinheit schlägt und vieles mehr.
Is the new lineup a success? Yes, it is. Even despite a different socket that will force you to buy a new motherboard - yet again. You might be tempted to upgrade, even if you have an LGA1366-based machine.
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