NZXT Kraken X61 Review

Publié par Marc Büchel le 20.05.15
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Globalement + -
Overall, the NZXT Kraken X61 Series is a very good product with great design and we especially liked the manufacturing quality. It offers really good cooling capacity while maintaining silent operation and good performance. NZXT offers several different varieations with their Kraken products for different kind on use.   - Capacité de dissipation
- Nuisances sonores
- Qualité
- Design
Installation   + -
The installation couldn't be much easier, as it is practical and pretty straightforward. With mounting systems included for Intel and AMD as well as a single back plate for both worlds and in combination with and easy to understand manual, it will be hard to experience difficulties installing the Kraken X61. The thermal paste is pre-applied we would like to have more of it, and is actually what NZXT is using lately with their water and air coolers.   - Pratique et simple
- Compatible Intel et AMD
Performances   + -
The NZXT Kraken X61 series has very good cooling performance in every scenario, including 7V and 12V as well as the PWM mode. The Kraken X61 placed twelfth at 7V and eighth at 12V, we tested the Kraken X61 with two fans installed and connected to a Y fan splitter for PWM testing and it manages to score a top five rank in our charts.   - Performances de refroidissement  
Nuisances Sonores   + -
The pump on the NZXT Kraken X61 is unfortunately not inaudible. Using two fans and 7V setting the Kraken X61 is subjectively speaking silent and at 12V setting we measured 40.6 dBA at 1'980 rpm which is well audible. When testing the cooler via the PWM feature noise level does not go past 35.8 dBA in load, which is silent.   - Pompe inaudible  
Recommandation / Prix   + -
The Kraken X61 is on overall good all-in-one watercooler, which is quite pricy, unfotunately. Checking Geizhals we find this cooler listed for no less than 138 Euro.   - Enthusiast
- Overclocking
- Gaming-PC
- Prix
Le Kraken X61 d'NZXT reçoit 4 étoiles sur 5.

Page 1 - Présentation / Spécifications
Page 2 - Galerie Photo
Page 3 - Installation & Configuration de test
Page 4 - Performances brutes
Page 5 - Performances PWM
Page 6 - Conclusion

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